My Book

My Book

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sitting in the Membership/Healthy Living/Personal Trainer/Group-ex office.

Good morning,
I pray the day has found you well.

I am sitting, yes sitting, in the Membership/Healthy Living/Personal Trainer/Group-ex office. Why am I sitting in the Membership/Healthy Living/Personal Trainer/Group-ex office? Great question, I am sitting in the Membership/Healthy Living/Personal Trainer/Group-ex office because construction is going on in my office, which by the way is also Kari's office/mail room/printer/meeting room.

We are in the middle of a huge remodel/expansion at our YMCA. A remodel/expansion that when finished will provide even more space for us to positively impact peoples lives.

But for now, I am in the Membership/Healthy Living/Personal Trainer/Group-ex office.

It is interesting to sit with people while they work.

Trainers are in and out.

Group-ex instructors are in and out.

Membership staff are in and out.

As I sat watching staff do their thing. I began to notice how they multiple-tasked. They are good multi-taskers.

I began pondering about multi-tasking. In fact I began pondering about tasking in general.

I began to ponder, "Are we really ever present at all."

I started thinking about how when I am doing something, I stop thinking about what I am doing and start thinking about things I still need to do. Then when I start doing the next thing I start thinking about what the next thing is to be done.

In fact, right now I am doing the thing that I was thinking about doing while I was busy doing something else.

Brother Lawrence did something called, "Practicing the Presence," he practiced being present to whatever he was doing. He took it a step deeper though. He practiced being present to God. If he was doing dishes he was intentionally present to washing dishes. Not just to be present for dish washings sake, but to be present as if he was washing a dish Christ would use.

I wonder what life would be like if we all were as intentional to being present for the sake of others, the way brother Lawrence practiced presence.

Something to ponder.


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