My Book

My Book

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

It is cold this morning. The temperature gauge says 28 degrees. It is still dark, even the sun gets up later this time of year.

As I sat in my chair, watching the dark shape walk past the house, deer walk past in the morning, occasionally stopping to munch grass and stuff that deer find appetizing at this time of day, my mind began to wander.

I began to think about circles; how circles have 360 degrees in them.

I think my mind was stuck on degrees, more aptly the lack of degrees that was currently in place on my front porch.

As I thought about circles, and the 360 degrees contained within them, I started to contemplate triangles.

I think I was having a brain freeze and could only use half of my brain, thus the fact that triangles have 180 degrees in them, only half of what circles have.

As I thought about triangles I thought how two triangles placed in opposite directions make a square. Actually, two triangles placed in opposite directions can make lots of things, one of which is a square.

I started to think about a square.

If a triangle holds 180 degrees, then two triangles hold 360 degrees, the same as a circle.

But squares don't look anything like circles, and circles don't look anything like squares.

Yet, they have so much in common.

Did you know that circles are actually a whole bunch of straight lines attached to each other with obtuse angles?

So if squares are made up of 360 degrees and circles are made up of 360 degrees, and squares are made up of straight lines and circles are made up of straight lines.

Why do we look at them so differently?

Maybe it is because we are only looking at them in a very shallow sense?

When we take the time to learn about circles and squares. When we take the time to learn what makes them up. We see that in fact, they are more alike than we could possibly imagine.

If something as seemly different as squares and circles can have so much in common.

I wonder what this world would look like if we actually took the time to learn about our neighbor.

Square pegs, round holes, not so different after all.

Lord, give me you eyes, Your ears, Your heart. Give me the courage to look at people as your creation not just as "other people". To see we have much more in common than not.


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