My Book

My Book

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fly fishing and ministry

Good morning,
I pray the day is finding you well.

Laurie, my wife, and I moved to a nice little house on a river about a year ago.

Since I moved to the house I have had this romantic idea of catching a steelhead: for those of you who are not fisherman, a steelhead is a fish. It is an amazing fish that I hear is a lot of fun to catch.

I say I hear because I have never caught one!

I am a fly fisherman; for those of you who are not fisherman, fly fishing is not fishing for flies, it is a type of fishing. If you want to now more about fly fishing watch the movie, "A river runs through it."

I have this romantic idea of getting up in the morning, grabbing my gear, going to the river, catching a steelhead, taking a picture of my catch, letting it go (the nice thing about fishing is you do not have to kill a fish to have fun). I do like to eat fish, so I am sure there will be times when I bring one home and eat it, sounds slightly barbaric just saying it.

Since we moved into the house I have thought about finding all my stuff and going fishing. I spent the last few days going through unopened boxes, well actually I opened them to go through them, but they were not open before I opened them. I found all my gear and started making plans.

I have this romantic idea of catching a steelhead.

I say romantic, because in all actuality, it takes on average a thousand casts to catch one. In reality I will be on the river, strategizing, picking my spot and casting, casting, casting...finally to tired to cast anymore I will pack up my gear and come home empty handed.

Ministry is a lot like fly fishing for steelhead.

When we first enter ministry we have a romantic notion that we will have this powerfully impactful ministry, one that has tangible rewards that can be easily measured.

In reality ministry is much harder than one imagines.
In reality ministry is much dirtier than one imagines.
In reality ministry can hurt.

As one spends more, and more time in ministry, one either begins to see success in the small things, the little things, or continues to feel defeated and ultimately burns out trying to do what they think is successful.

It has been my experience with Christ that He is not impressed with the "Big Deal." Christ asks us to, first be in daily relationship with HIm, and through this relationship come into relationship with those that come into our lives, whom ever they may be, and help them see Him.

Ministry and fly fishing are a lot alike. Many, many casts, a few fish.

The whole time I am fly fishing, I am talking with God.

The whole time I am with someone, God is talking with me.

As I go through my day, I will continue to let go and take peace in the fact that God is using me to help people for His sake.

As you go through your day may I suggest that you measure your success in the little things and take peace in the fact that God is using you to help people for His sake.


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