My Book

My Book

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

We found Jimmy Hoffa!

Good morning,
I pray the day is finding you well.

We found Jimmy Hoffa!

Those were the words from my friend Norm as we were cleaning out yet another office as the construction workers advanced on us.

It truly is amazing how much stuff accumulates if you just let it; you do not have to do anything special or make any conscious effort, stuff just accumulates.

As we were cleaning out yet another office, I started to think about our lives. How the environment that we live in has formed and transformed us. We did not need to do anything special. We did not have to make a conscious effort. Stuff just accumulated.

It really comes down to intentionality.

If I want to have a clean office, I must be intentional about picking up stuff. I must throw away things that I do not need or at least give them to someone who has a need for them.

If I want to have a clean thought life, I must be intentional about what it is that I am thinking.

As my thoughts turn to this subject, I realize that I really do not want to go through life unintentional. I do not want to find a “Jimmy Hoffa thought” hidden in the clutter and junk of a mind that has not been gone through and cleaned.

Paul tells us to set our minds on the things above. I will be intentional about that.

Father, help me to be intentional in all that I do. Help me to be intentional in my thought life and not let random thoughts clutter my mind.


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