Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.
The wind keeps blowing.
The times keep changing.
The winds of change have been and are upon us.
We had what the weather people call a "wind event" last night, in fact the wind is still blowing this morning.
There are trees down in our neck of the woods.
The "event" got me to thinking.
How often when times are good we fail to take a moment and soak them in. Instead, we start to think that this is the way things will be and do not think about change.
The only constant that I know of is change.
We have been living through Covid-19, the killing of George Floyd; in Portland we have just surpassed 100 days of continuous protest.
The times are a changing.
The thing about a wind event is the wind tends to clean out the weak and the dead. the tree that cannot bend to the wind will snap.
Jesus when He talked of change He talked of "Stiff necked people." People that would not bend to the winds of change that God was asking them to do in their lives.
Pharaoh (Ramesses 2) was stiff necked and would not see the change in front of him and would not let the Hebrew slaves go. Look how well things went for him.
The times are a changing, let us be pliable enough to change with them and not become a tree blown to the ground.
Let Christ do His will in us and let us love one another.
Something to ponder.
Spot on!!