My Book

My Book

Friday, March 20, 2020

To worship God means to serve Him

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

I read the following during my quite time:

To worship God means to serve Him. There are two ways to do it. One way is to do things for Him the He needs to have done—run errands for Him, carry messages for Him, fight on His side, feed His lambs, and so on. The other thing to do things for Him that you need to do—sing songs for Him, create beautiful things for Him, give things up for Him, tell Him what is on your mind and in your heart, in general rejoice in Him and make a fool of yourself for Him the way lovers have always made fools of themselves for the one they love…Unless there is an element of joy and foolishness in the proceedings, the time would be better spent doing something useful.Northumbria Community, Celtic Daily Prayer, (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2002), 630.

After I read this I went, "Wow, I am ordered to shelter-in-place, what should I do?"

So I started singing. It wasn't long before my wife said, "Please find some other way to serve Him."

It isn't hard for me to be a fool for Christ. Those that know me, know that I play the part of the fool really well.

Some you know I have a medical condition, others may not. This condition causes me to have a lowered immune system. In other words I cannot leave the house during this time. So how do I serve Him? I thought about this a lot actually over the past little while.

I wrote my doctors, nurses and staff a thank you letter telling them that I appreciate them very much and to know that someone is out there praying for them.

I call staff, volunteers and members of the YMCA and check in with them, pray with them when asked to do so, and let them know someone cares.

If I cannot physically be there I can at least share Christ's love with them via the phone.

To be honest it would be easy for me to dwell on the negative. It takes intentionality to be positive and be there as a listening ear for others.

Let's read this again:
To worship God means to serve Him. There are two ways to do it. One way is to do things for Him the He needs to have done—run errands for Him, carry messages for Him, fight on His side, feed His lambs, and so on. The other thing to do things for Him that you need to do—sing songs for Him, create beautiful things for Him, give things up for Him, tell Him what is on your mind and in your heart, in general rejoice in Him and make a fool of yourself for Him the way lovers have always made fools of themselves for the one they love…Unless there is an element of joy and foolishness in the proceedings, the time would be better spent doing something useful.Northumbria Community, Celtic Daily Prayer, (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2002), 630.

Is there anything you can do to Serve Him?

Something to ponder.


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