My Book

My Book

Monday, June 20, 2022

I sold the Y bus and bought a hamster!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

The Summer Lunch Program, Summer Camps, Safety Around Water and Swim Lessons along with the Youth Unity Project are beginning; with Summer Camps and the Summer Lunch Program started today. Needless to say (I always think it is funny when I say "needless to say" and then say it anyway) we are all in "get it done mode" up in the North. There was a T.V. show that always said, "Winter is coming", Here in the North we say, "Summer is coming." In the show they eventually said, "Winter is here" and everything went very bad. Here in the North we say," Summer is here." and everything is very exciting and very good. In the show people died. Here in the North this is the time of year where we kick "We save lives" into high gear!

  • Feeding thousands of kids that would go hungry.
  • Teaching kids how to swim and save themselves in water by the hundreds.
  • Running a variety of Summer camps all across our service area that teach kids to look at life through a better lens along with giving them a skillset to succeed.
So yes, we are in get it done mode.

One of the things that I had to get done was fix the bus. You might ask what is wrong with the bus and why didn't I fix the bus during the winter; I have noticed that you didn't ask, "Do you need any help with that or can I donate to defray the cost?" Anyway, to answer the question of "What is wrong with the bus" I will tell you that the catalytic convertor and all the gas was stolen. 

You might ask, "Why don't you just buy a locking cap?"

My reply is, "They would just tear it off and I would have to fix that too!"

As much we appreciate and take pride in the fact that we are doing our part to keep the catalytic convertor theft industry and the Steal the gas from others industry up and running, doing our part during covid, We didn't have funds to store the bus in a safe space once we fixed it, and couldn't afford to replace the catalytic convertor or buy gas every morning, so we just left it broken until funds became available to not only fix the bus but store the bus in a safe place that is close enough to us so we could use it.

The funds became available, and we went to work!

Sabastian contacted a muffler shop and secured a date for the repair. We then secured a storage space so that when the bus was fixed we could immediately take it to the storage facility before we partnered with the catalytic convertor and gas theft industry again. 

A number of months ago (I don't know what happened, nor do I care (another chaplain trait that I am particularly adept at) Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor sent out a wonderful email, beautifully written, and masterfully crafted, that basically said, that he was the only person allowed to sign any contracts or agreements and if anyone else did He would make them spend the day with Frederick the Great and subject them to his jokes!

Well we were on a very tight schedule and if we waited for Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor to sign the storage agreement summer would be over, just say-in, so Darryl and I made the decision to sign the agreement for a month to month rental lease. 

I then texted Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and asked him to give me a call so I could beg forgiveness.

Within a minute the phone rang, it was Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor. I was all set to pack my bags and spend the day with Frederick.

I said, "Hello"

Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor said, "What did you do?"

I told him the story about the bus and said in a trembling voice, "I signed a rental agreement with a storage facility" and closed my eyes waiting for his response.

Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvo replied, "Oh is that all? I don't care about that. I thought you sold the bus and bought a hamster!!"

I let out a deep sigh and said, "No, I didn't by a hamster, that will be in the fall."

I can't wait to talk with you about all the wonderful things I am going to see and do this summer. 

I like helping people, but that is just the way I am wired. I like to fill peoples tanks.

Are you looking forward to summer? 

How are going to spend it, filling peoples tanks or draining them?

Something to ponder.


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