My Book

My Book

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Is God stuck in your SPAM folder?

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I came in yesterday morning and everyone said, "Why aren't you writing? I was getting my Daily Breads but I haven't for a few days." I said, "I don't know. I have been writing and posting." I still do not know why those that subscribe have stopped getting their Breads, just know I have my I.T. guy Sabastian on the case.

I am part of a team that is in a YMCA Leadership Symposium. Leadership Symposium is just a fancy name for being in a cohort of people that is required to do a research project and present it. The Leadership Symposium is something like a year long. Let's just say,  Leadership Symposium is a lot more fun to say than being in one; kind of like saying Coprolite is a lot more fun to say, than being one. 

There are a few bright spots that are part of the Leadership Symposium. One bright spot is it allows us to connect with other "Y's" and "Y" peeps. A second bright spot is I am part of a really cool team, I am not sure they would say the same thing about being with me, but I enjoy them. The third bright spot is the facilitators of the Leadership Symposium (Ok, I am getting tired of saying Leadership Symposium. Just as I am sure you are tired of reading Leadership Symposium, so I will stop saying Leadership Symposium. Don't look for the word Leadership Symposium anymore).  Tom and Dale are really great people, they are indisputably smart and engaging. 

We are getting to the end of our journey together and we are preparing for our presentations. We are scheduled to meet (virtually) with Tom and Dale today and go over our presentation and make a few adjustments before we do our "formal" presentation. I came into the "Y", started my computer and opened my email. I have the habit of going through my SPAM folder, I find all sorts of interesting things in there, this time I found Tom and Dale! They ended up in my SPAM folder, I am assuming they also ended up in my teammates SPAM folders as well since we connected by the same network. 

Tom and Dale were asking for access to our Teams folder so they could review our presentation before our meeting. I am glad that I found them, and gave them access, so our time together will be more fruitful. 

While Sabastian was working on the fix for the subscription problem to the Daily Bread for Ragamuffins he found that many of the people needed to check their SPAM folders. It seems as if I was ending up in SPAM folders as well. 

As I thought about why I was ending up in peoples SPAM, a still small voice spoke to me. It said, "Now you know how I feel." God went on to say, "People are always yelling at Me to talk to them. They say things like, 'I never hear you' and 'Are you really there?' All the while I am talking to them. Standing right beside them. When I check their spiritual emails they have me in their SPAM folder. They never check their SPAM folder and if they do they never release my voice so they can hear it."

I replied Hmmm... I haven't checked my spiritual SPAM folder for a while, I had better do that." So I did. Guess what, there were tons of things from God in there. He wasn't the problem, I was. I stuck God in my spiritual SPAM folder too! 

Uggg...nobody said this was easy.

This caused me to ponder, "Am I the only one with a spiritual SPAM folder to check, or are there others?" Just in case there are, I better let them know what I found. 

Sooo...Is God stuck in your SPAM folder?

Something to ponder.


We are getting to the end of our joue

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

This is a test post

 Just testing our subscription posts. Nothing to see here!

One thing that I have always noticed was the farther removed I was from my dental cleaning the more people offered me a mint!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Well, I am going to broach a subject with you that usually makes people a bit squeamish. I want to have a conversation about spiritual cleanliness. 

I have always been an advocate for dental hygiene! I have regular dental visits for cleanings and if I need any work done I do not put it off, but get that done right away. I have always had good teeth, I am lucky that way. I am a regular flosser, and I brush my teeth as my dentist recommends, I even have a water-pick in the shower. I like to stand in the shower and water-pick my gums. I realize as I am telling you this that you may not want to know all this about me, but I am transparent about my life and quite possibly a bit of an over-sharer. 

One thing that I have always noticed was the farther removed I was from my dental cleaning the more people offered me a mint! A wise man once told me, "If someone offers you a mint, take it!" 

When I got cancer, and went through chemo, I wasn't able to go to the dentist as planned for my regular cleanings. It didn't help that COVID was going on and I had no immune system. Once my chemo was done and I had waited the appropriate amount of time, and got the ok from my Oncologist,  I scheduled a badly needed cleaning! 

I got to the dentist, sat in the chair ready for a normal appointment when the unthinkable happened. My Dentist said, "Roger, your chemo treatment has given you periodontal disease!  I said, "How did that happen?" he explained how the chemo kills all the fast growing healing cells in your body and your gums are fast growing cells; along with the fact that it messes up the salivary glands. All of which caused my problem.

Needless to say (another weird statement, because if it is needless to say, why am I saying it? English is weird) I have been working diligently to get my gums back and they are responding, but it isn't easy. 

So I have noticed that since my cancer and chemo I have been offered mints more often (Things that make me go Hmmm...)

As I was sitting in the dentist chair, I started having a conversation with God, or more aptly, He was having a conversation with me. I was talking about my oral health and He was talking about my spiritual health. He said, "Spiritual health is not unlike oral health. If you don't pay attention to it. If you don't take care of it. you spiritual health will diminish. You will become spiritually stinky. 

While people may offer you a mint for your breath, they typically don't offer you a mint for stinky spirituality. They just don't hang around you as much, or talk to you about things that matter. 

As a spiritual director I often tell people that spiritual formation is more like a river and less like a lake.

I explain to them that a person is always in movement in their formation, they are never stationary.  

One is either moving toward God or away from God. It is a constant journey, one in which you never arrive this side of eternity. 

When you are actively taking care of your spiritual health you are moving toward God and you have fresh spirituality. When you neglect your relationship with God you begin to stink. 

Just something I noticed. 

So the question I have is, "How are you taking care of your spiritual health?"

Something to ponder, at least for me.



Tuesday, March 29, 2022

God can be blunt, at least with me.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Laurie and I were in church this past weekend. Yes, occasionally I do go to church. It helps that the church is in our YMCA. Our Pastor Matt (Yes, that is his real name.) No use trying to hide it, you can google our YMCA and see Rhapsody Church easily enough. Once, you find Rhapsody Church you will see that Matt is the Pastor. I don't know why I am taking the time to tell you this. You already know how to google stuff. 

Matt was talking about the importance of your story and how you are the hands and feet of God. At the end of the service Rhapsody had a baptism. Rhapsody uses our pool for baptism's. 

As the people filed onto the pool deck, some to participate, others to witness. Archibald (our Aquatics Director)  Sophia (our Aquatics Coordinator) and I were on deck. Why was I on deck? Great question, I am so glad you asked. I too am life guard certified. In fact one of the parishioners yelled, "Roger, are you going to save me?" I replied, "God will save you, but I will pull you from the water."

Archibald (Who is a ragamuffin and has been hurt by the church and those that claim a worldview that they seem not to know how to practice.)  said, "That reminds me of a joke." I said, "Let's hear it." 

So he said:

"There was a woman who had been caught in a flood. As she was being washed away she prayed, "God Save me!" A few minutes later a boat came up and the people said, 'We are here to help you, get in the boat.' She replied, 'That is ok, God will save me.' A couple of minutes later a helicopter hovered over her and lowered a life line, which she rejected saying, 'No need, God will save me!' eventually she drowned. When she got to heaven and saw God she asked, 'Why didn't you save me?' God replied, 'I sent you a boat and then a helicopter, what more did you want me to do?'

This morning I was pondering on what to talk with you about. That is when God said, "I gave you a sermon, I gave you a wise apple parishioner. I even gave you a joke. What more do I have to give you before you take the hint." 

Yes, sometimes God can be blunt, at least with me. 

Just as Matt's sermon was God talking through him to me. Just as I got to respond to a wise cracker reminding him that it is God that saves and I am just his hands and feet. Just as Archibald's joke reminded me that God works in mysterious ways and to expect the unexpected. I too must continue to see God in the everydayness of life, for that is where He shows up most. 

So...the question I have is, "Have you seen God in the unexpected? Has He shown you a different way, a deeper question? Has He given you new eyes to see Him with?

Something to ponder.



Monday, March 28, 2022

Right time, right place

Good morning,

I pray they day finds you well.

I woke up this morning wondering what God was going to nudge me to write about today?

My normal process for talking with you is to write a bread the day before I post it. In doing so, I am not rushed to get something out and this allows me time to hear what God is saying to me. 

You may say, "If God wanted to say something and inspire you to write wouldn't He just tell you first thing in the morning?" My answer is, "God very well may be talking to me first thing in the morning, but that doesn't mean I am present to His words. I am a ragamuffin after all." It is not me giving God time to think about something for me to write about, it is God waiting patiently for me to settle down enough to be present to Him. 

I was still pondering what God was going to nudge me with when I drove to the "Y." 

I was still pondering this when I got to the parking lot and was walking into the building (Did I mention that I like to ponder?). 

When I opened the door Bluebell (Yes you guessed it, not her real name, who by the way, was wearing a beautiful flowery spring dress) Said excitedly, "Good morning Roger. Come over here I have something to show you." I walked over to the front desk and Bluebell held up a 3' piece of pipe about a foot long, there was a 90 degree bend in the middle. Bluebell, asked, "Do you know what this is?" I just stared at the piece of pipe for a bit and said, "No."

Bluebell said, "Come on, guess."

Have I ever mention that I suffer from test anxiety? And this had just become a test! Sweat started to bead on my brow and my heart started to race, my chest became tight...Ok, I can't keep this up. None of that happened but my imagination went wild for a moment (I think you know it is loud in my head.)

So I guessed, "A pipe from the steam room?"

Bluebell said, Nope. it is from our "Y" Without Walls bus." A couple of guys were trying to steal our catalytic convertor but Sabastian (My IT guy who just happens to double as our facility maintenance person) came in early for no apparent reason and caught them. They took off running leaving the pipe and convertor right at the bus!

Bluebell said, "Sabastian was in the right place at the right time." Then she said, "We even had a member say they would take a look at it and see if they can fix it! That should be your daily bread."

I just smiled and said, "I believe you are right." God had just spoken to me, He used Bluebell so I could hear Him. 

So often I hear people ask, "Why did God wait so long to....?" My typical answer is, " His ways are not our ways, His timing is not our timing, but He is always in the right place at the right time." 

My wife was on the phone with her brother last night and he called us Job, because of our apparent trials and tribulations the last number of years. When she told me what he said, we laughed. We are still working on the "Don't worry about tomorrow" thing.  

Sabastian was in the right place at the right time. 

Bluebell was in the right place at the right time.

God used them both to give me the right bread for this time.

Have you heard, or seen God at work in your life today?

Something to ponder.



Friday, March 25, 2022

Old dog, new trick

 Good morning, 

I pray the day finds you well.

I learned something new today.

People were telling me that they haven't seen my blog, that they had been receiving it but then it stopped.  I said, No way." They said, "Yes way!"

I said, "Really?" They said, "Really!"

This caused me to ponder (something I am fond of doing), this caused me to pause (something I am less fond of), this caused me to question (Another thing I like doing).  

I went to my local IT guy (he just happens to be our facility manager) Sabastian. Sabastian is not a common name over here in the states, but it has been quite popular in Europe for many centuries. Don't believe me, google it; that is what I did because you guessed it, Sabastian is not his real name, but a story always goes better with a name attached!

I found Sabastian in the men's locker room, he was holding a valve to the shower head in one of the showers and when I walked in he yelled for me to give him the screwdriver on the bench; evidently the valve had malfunctioned and he was holding it so it wouldn't send a torrent of water down on him. There were two screwdrivers on the bench, I asked, "Which one do you want?" He yelled, as he was frantic by this point because he had been there for a while, "I don't care just give me one!" 

When Sabastian yelled about the screwdriver I immediately went to a post I had written in 20?? called, The Red Handled Screwdriver incident of 1974. Posted June 27, 2012. If you are interested go read it.

Anyway, I handed him a screwdriver and he was very grateful. Moments later he emerged unscathed and very dry, ready to help me. 

I explained my dilemma, including all the "Ways" and "Reallys"  

He took me to the backend of my blog, I didn't even know it existed, clicked a few buttons, installed a thing called a gadget, whatever that is, and wonder of wonders a "Subscribe button was on the front page!

He showed me how to use it, which I quickly forgot, and off I went. 

As I sat back in my chair admiring all the work I didn't do, but I learned something new. God gently said, "You see Roger, all you had to do was bring down the Ego, humble yourself enough to say, 'I don't know what I am doing and be transparent enough to admit it to someone and your life changed. You now know something different than you did a little bit ago."

He went on to say, "That is no different than a life with Me. If you just drop the Ego a bit, humble yourself to say God I need some help here. I am right here to help you. Your life will change. You will experience something new, you will be different."

I guess it is true, "You can teach an old dog a new trick." God has been doing it for thousands of years.

Something to ponder.

BTW, all you have to do is enter your email address under the subscription in the box and an email will come to you asking you to click a link to confirm you want a notification of the Daily Bread for Ragamuffins and Wonder of Wonders you will receive the daily Bread automatically.



Thursday, March 24, 2022

A symbiotic relationship.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I got to be a drowning victim. 

Our Aquatics director asked me to be a drowning victim for a life guard drill. 

The drills are really cool, they happen when the pool is open and the guards least expect them. One would think the members would be upset by the fact that the pool is cleared, which means they have to get out of the water and sit on the deck during the drill, but they aren't; I think this is for two reasons:

  1. The drills are fun to watch.
  2. Our guards are really good at their jobs and when the members watch them in action they see how the guards would respond if they had an emergency. 
There is a third reason, but I will save that for later.

Archibald, our Aquatics Director (Not his real name, but like I am fond of saying, a story goes much better with a name attached), came into my office and asked if I would be a drowning victim for the next "Live Drill". I responded immediately, "Yes, I would be honored." Being a victim is fun. you get to pretend to drown, the guards jump in and "save" you, you are back-boarded out of the pool and get to watch them do CPR. Luckily I am replaced by a CPR manikin before any rescue breaths are given, that would just be weird.  

Archibald laid out the drill. He said, "The drill will happen at 4:05pm, just after shift change. I want you to enter the lap pool shortly before 4pm and start swimming laps with your swim paddles on. At 4:05pm take off the swim paddles and lay them on the pool deck (This will signal to the trainers you are about to drown). Then swim to the midpoint of the pool and pretend you had a massive heart attack and just go limp face down; do all of this in the middle lanes so the guard has to swim to you. 

Obviously Archibald had thought this through. 

I entered the pool at 3:55pm and started my swim in lane-3. At 4:05pm I took off my swim paddles and laid them on the pool deck, turned around and started my swim to the middle of the pool. When I arrived at the middle of the pool I stopped swimming and went limp face down. A few seconds later I heard the splash of someone diving in. Less then a minute later I was standing on the pool deck ready to watch a successful drill come to its completion. 

That is when it got weird.

The other guards grabbed me and threw me back into the water, all the while yelling, "Save the whale, Save the whale!" When I came to the surface Greenpeace was there protesting the "back-boarding of a whale" It was quite the scene!

Actually this only happened in my head, but it was hilarious. Did I mention it is loud in my head?

As I was floating back, weightless in the arms of the guard, I was surrounded by this sense of peace, tranquility, and safety. 

God came to mind. 

The feeling I had in the arms of the guard while floating weightless in the water was the same as when I feel the presence of God. 

I will help out Archibald (I really like saying Archibald) again. I will help the guards perfect their craft and they will help me feel the presence of God 

A symbiotic relationship.

Do you have a symbiotic relationship that helps you to sit with God?

Something to ponder.



Wednesday, March 23, 2022

I am that guy that could screw up a one-man relay race.


Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I got to the "Y" a bit early this morning and found the lap pool had open lanes; this does not happen often so I took advantage of it and went for a swim. One of the advantages of being a chaplain in the YMCA is I get to be a gym rat! I get to swim, walk the track, lift weights, play pickle ball...all of which is member engagement!! When I walk the track I am typically listening to someone, whether that someone is a staff, volunteer or a member, I am honored and humbled by the fact that I get to be present to people encourage them, and sometimes even give them some words of wisdom. When I play pickleball I get to be part of their laughter and smiles. When I am spotting someone on the weight floor I have the opportunity to give words of encouragement. All the while they are telling me their "stuff." 

Swimming is the only time I really get time to myself. Every so often I see toes at the edge of the pool, which means someone really wants to talk to me, but not very often. Swimming is one of the few times I actually get to go deep in my head and ponder things and think. This morning I was contemplating why people insist on a specific verse to help them get through or justify or reason through...whatever it is they are having a tough time with. 

Often times people will ask, "What does the Bible have to say about...?"  

Many times people are perplexed when I don't just quote a scripture verse. I am more Eugene Peterson in this way. I tend to give a larger idea rather than a specific verse. 

"Why do you do that?" you may ask.

I could go into a long rambling explanation, but Richard Foster does a much better job of explaining this than I ever could. 

Richard says:

The source of the problem is rooted in the two most common objectives people have for studying the Bible.  The first is the practice of studying the Bible for information or knowledge alone.  This may include information about particular facts or historical events, or knowledge of general truths or doctrines, or even knowledge of how others are mistaken in their religious views, beliefs, and practices.[1]

 The second common objective people often have for studying the Bible is to find some formula that will solve the pressing need of the moment.  Thus we seek out lists of specific passages that speak to particular needs rather than seeking whole-life discipleship to Jesus.[2]

 If we want to receive from the Bible the life “with God” that is portrayed in the Bible, we must be prepared to have our dearest and most fundamental assumptions about ourselves and our associations called into question.  We must humbly and in a constant attitude of repentance.[3]

Regarding the Bible, then, perhaps the most basic question is: Shall we try to control the Bible, that is, try to make it “come out right,” or shall we simply seek to release its life into our lives and into our world?  Shall we try to “tilt” it this was or that, or shall we give it complete freedom to “tilt” us as it will?[4]

I know this can cause some frustration, since (and I can only talk about me) I would find it much easier to grab a verse, any verse, twist it to fit my current need and feel better about myself. but that is not how God works. 

I am that guy that could screw up a one-man relay race. So if I try and tilt the Bible to fit my needs it never works out well. 

I will continue to do my best to let the Bible "tilt" me! After all it is journey, a Life with God.

Something to ponder.



[1]Richard Foster, Life With God. (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2008), 4.

[2]Richard Foster, Life With God. (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2008), 5.

[3]Richard Foster, Life With God. (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2008), 5.

[4]Richard Foster, Life With God. (San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishing Company, 2008), 7.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

It is loud in my head!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I woke up today and (maybe because of the rain) I was feeling a bit blah, a bit like my cat. If I pick him up first thing in the morning he is just as likely to bite me as purr, it is a crap shoot what will happen. Normally I am a morning person, happy to see the day, and ready to take it on, kind of like my dog wakes up. Ben wakes up ready to give kisses and hugs. Excited for the day.

But today I woke up feeling like my cat. 

As I shuffled through the dark house getting ready for work and really not feeling like doing anything a thought came to mind. A thought I hadn't thought in years. 

It was my "Pet Diaries" thought. I wrote about it years ago and had not thought about it in just about that long. But the thought of it snapped me out of my funk. I thought I would share it again, just in case you are in a funk too. 

Here it goes:

Pet Diaries: Dog vs. Cat...
The Dog's Diary:
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Dinner! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
The Cat's Diary:
Day 983 of my captivity.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates my capabilities. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Jerks!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released, and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird must be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now.

I will be a dog today!

Sometimes I need a reminder of the gift of life and the wonderment of a new day. 

This is the beginning of a new day.

God has given me this day to use as I will.

I can waste it or use it for good.

What I do today is important,

Because I’m exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever,

Leaving in it’s place something that I have traded for it.

I want it to be gain, not loss;

Good, not evil; Success, not failure,

In order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it.


Did I tell you I am a plethora of useless information!

I remember random quotes and many thoughts, but I can't remember where I put my keys. 

Have a great day, and remember God loves you.


Monday, March 21, 2022

Words are important, but actions are telling

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Friday was my brother's birthday, Happy birthday Kim. 

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day. Her name is Cricket (Not her real name, but every story goes better with a name attached). How did I come up with Cricket as a pseudonym? I am glad you asked. I googled fun names and Cricket came up on top, that's how. 

I have known Cricket for a long time and we have had many wonderful conversations. Cricket is a ragamuffin, she likes Jesus but has been negatively impacted by people that call themselves Christians. She grew up in the church, was hurt by the church, was looked down on by those in authority as less than because of her hurt and the fact that she had a hard time believing in a god that was unloving, judgmental, had favorites, was hypocritical...

Just recounting the conversation makes me sad. 

I told her I don't believe in a god like that either.

One of the classes I teach in the university is Worldviews, and the first thing I tell my students is, "Don't tell me what you believe, your actions will show me what you believe."

Brennan Manning wrote in his book The Ragamuffin Gospel, "If you really want to understand a man, don’t just listen to what he says, but watch what he does."[1]

We are the hands and feet of Christ. We are His mouthpiece. What we say, and what we do either draw people closer to Him or push them away.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be that guy who pushes people away from God. Somebody wrote in a book somewhere that it would be better to have a millstone put around your neck and thrown into the sea than turn one of My children away from me.

Brother Lawrence once said, "Whether God regulates me to Heaven or to Hell, that is His business, I will not worry about that. I will focus on loving Him." 

God is the gatekeeper, not me.

How do I put actions to my belief? I am so glad you  asked. 

Kouzes & Posner said it best, "Here are some of the common phrases people use to describe how they know credibility when they see it:"

1.      “They practice what they preach.”

2.      “They walk the talk.”

3.      “Their actions are consistent with their words.”

4.      “They put their money where their mouth is.”

5.      They follow through on their promises.”

6.      They do what they say they will do.”[2]

I will work on doing this, because as Brennan once said:

"Perhaps the real dichotomy in the Christian community today is not between conservatives and liberals or creationists and evolutionists but between the awake and asleep.  The Christian ragamuffin acknowledges with Macbeth, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.”  Just as a smart man knows he is stupid, so the awake Christian knows that he/she is a ragamuffin."[1]

Don't worry Cricket, God loves you. I am a ragamuffin too.




[1]Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, 2005), 71. 

[1]Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, 2005), 72. 

[2]James Kouzes & Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge 4th Edition, (San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2007), 40. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I got to the "Y" this morning, hit the start button on my computer, opened my browser, opened my BibleGateway site (I just realized how many things I opened first thing this morning, and that does not count all the doors!) and my verse of the day was Psalm 23:1-3. 

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me besides still waters, he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for His name's sake."

God is a funny Guy!

All that Rabbi, Troll, mountain and Twidd talk yesterday, and today we get green pastures and still waters. 

Actually, at least for me, He connected yesterday and today at a deeper level (have I mentioned that connectedness is in my top-5 of my StrengthFinders profile?). 

Most people have read Psalm 23 multiple times, it is a reassuring, and peace giving Psalm. People tend to refer to it when they or someone they are with is going through a tough time.

Most people do not read Psalm 22. Psalm 22 is a bit tougher, quite a bit tougher, I might add. 

Have you ever heard (typically it is a pastor or churchy person, usually in a bible study, when talking about the Passion of Christ, Christ on the Cross, when Jesus says, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"(Ma27:46) say that God cannot look upon sin; so God turned away from Jesus when Jesus took on the sin of mankind.

I cannot tell you how many times I have sat with someone going through a really tough time, it could be cancer, it could be addiction, it could be any number of things, but they are hurting, scared, feeling alone; and they remember, or have been told, this story of God turning away from Jesus because of the sin He took on. 

They say, "If God cannot look upon Jesus and His sin, how can He look upon me and my sin? How can I believe in a God that turns from me during my time of greatest need?"  

As they sit in, what has been affectionately named, the crying chair (the chair in my office where people sit and cry), crying and feeling alone and I look at them with compassion in my eyes I say, "Oh you silly goose, do you really think God isn't big enough or strong enough to look upon sin?"

The usual response is a sniffle and a shaky, "No"

I tell them, "That would be a pretty small god, and I don't believe in that god either."

You see, as I am sure you already know, up until the early 20th century most of the world was illiterate. While we have had the written word for over 2,500 years, most people could not read. We had what we like to call oral tradition; a tradition where people memorized sayings, verses if you will (something else we didn't have during the time of Jesus). A rabbi or priest would start to say words from the scroll and people would automatically know what he was referring to. 

Think of the pledge of allegiance. If I say, "I pledge allegiance to the flag." Most likely you can carry on from there and finish it. 

Well guess what, it was the same 2,000 years ago. 

Jesus said, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" and people didn't think God had turned away. No, they went automatically to Psalm 22, which just happens to start, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 

Why would Jesus go there, you might ask?

Great question, He went there because Psalm 22 depicts Jesus on the Cross 500 years before it happened, thus fulfilling another prophesy. But He doesn't stop there, because after Psalm 22 people naturally went to Psalm 23, which ends with Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.

Giving a hope and a future. Jesus was teaching about His Father all the way up to the end.

You see yesterday I wrote about people who were afraid that I might lose my faith when going through a tough time. a time when some people might have said, "God gave you cancer to teach you a lessen."

 Ok, friend of Job! Just another one of my theological jokes. 

No, God did not turn away from me. In fact He was there with me the whole time, whether I could see Him or not, feel Him or not, hear Him or not. 

And this morning He reminded me that even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff--they comfort me (Psalm23:4)

Wow, did I have a talking attack or what!



Thursday, March 17, 2022

Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Twidds

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I am still catching up on all my pent-up thoughts from not talking with you for so long. I guess you will just have to put up with my ramblings.

When I was actively, and outwardly, (As I am still going through cancer, just, as we want to be politically correct, I am not cancer presenting) going through my cancer thing, people would often ask me, "How does this affect your relationship with God?" We have to remember that these people were truly concerned about me, and worried that having the big "C" would cause me to question or even lose my faith. 

My typical internal response was, "Silly Rabbi, kicks are for Twidds." 

I know I just left you in the dust and are wondering, "Just what the heck is that?" For a complete explanation you will have to ask my son David; he loves that joke. Just know that there is a Rabbi, a Troll, a group of Twidds, and a mountain involved.  

Sorry, did I mention that I am an internal processor; when I am forced to externally process it is a hot mess. 

Anyway...My external response was and is, "It doesn't, Me and God are still like peas and carrots." 

You see, I don't blame God for my cancer. He didn't give me cancer so He could then cure me to show how wonderful He is. Even saying this causes me to cringe. We have all known manipulative people and even had some in our lives. 

God doesn't manipulate, man does. 

In fact, people often ask me, when we get to talking about God, "Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? I can't believe in a God like that." 

I respond, "Neither can I." And I follow this with, “Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, and injustice when He could do something about it.” and, because they think I have a bat-phone to God they say, “Well why don’t you ask Him?” 

I come back with, “Because I’m afraid He would ask me the same question.”

This is just me, you can disagree if you like; this is just us talking. 

God did not make carcinogens for us to take in (remember the, for us to take in part) whether intentionally or not, man did.   

So the whole, "I don't believe in God because bad things happen to good people" doesn't fly with me.

As Yuval Noah Harari wrote so well in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind:

"Homo sapiens held the record among all organisms for driving the most plant and animal species to their extinctions. We have the dubious distinction of being the deadliest species in the annals of biology."[1]

If God wanted to stop bad things from happening to good people then He would have to take us all out, just sayin. 

So I am pondering the question, "Why do we allow poverty, suffering, and injustice when WE could do something about it? 

This is what I have been pondering lately.


[1]Yuval Noah Harari, Yuval Noah. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. (New York: Harper Collins), 2015. 74. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try spending the night in a closed room with a mosquito.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Well, it is that time again. I was reminded (the older I get, the more reminding comes my way. I will have to figure out why this happens one of these days. I am sure I will have to be reminded to look into this). It is time for me to write my little blurb for the YMCA Newsletter for April. I seem to do a lot of writing; after this I will have to write a What a YMCA chaplain does document for an upcoming all staff training. More than likely I will have to be reminded to do that as well. 

Oh yes, the newsletter and the being reminded conversation.. I asked what the value of the month for April was going to be. I was told it is Service, that got me to thinking, actually it got me to thinking about Jim Buckley my dad. Actually, Jim is my wife Laurie's dad which technically makes him my in-law. but, as you know, I don't have in-laws. If one has in-laws, then they must have out-laws. there are no out-laws in my family, so I only have family. For more on this topic you can read one of my old posts where we talked about In-laws and Out-laws. I would tell you when I wrote it, but I forgot. 

Back to Jim.

Jim was the Executive Director of the Mankato Minnesota Family YMCA. Jim was a humble man. To meet him you would think that he had not done anything remarkable in his life, other than raise some fantastic kids. 

Here is a quick list of Jim's accomplishments:

  • 1962'ish-Helped bring Martin Luther King Jr. to Mankato to speak.
  • 1969'ish - Walked a 100 mile walk of reconciliation to reconcile the Sioux with:
    • The city of Mankato
    • Blue Earth County
    • State of Minnesota
  • 1972'ish-Held the first Pow-Wow at Sibley Park and it still goes on today.
  • Hired the first Catholic nun to work in his YMCA (remember back in those days Protestants and Catholics didn't hang around together (I do remember that!). 
Jim had many obstacles to overcome, many conversations to make these things happen, late nights, early mornings. These things were not easy to accomplish.

There were many people that told Jim, "You will never make that happen." Jim never let them get him down. He just did it anyway. I am reminded of a quote, "The one who says it can’t be done should get out of the way of the one who is doing it."[1]

Most of us are paralyzed by the Bystander Effect. The bystander effect, or our tendency to wait for others to act rather than acting ourselves.[1]

Don't be derailed by the, "It can't be done people." Don't be a bystander. No matter how small you think you are, you can and will make a difference. If you think I am wrong, just remember, "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try spending the night in a closed room with a mosquito."

--African Saying[1]

Something to think about.


[1]Stearns, Richard. The Hole in our Gospel. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson), 2009. 250. 

[1]David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming. (New York: Tim Duggan Books), 2019. 159. 

[1]Stearns, Richard. The Hole in our Gospel. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson), 2009. 274. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Don't be a Coprolite!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Yesterday, we talked about how long it had been since we last spoke and I mentioned that it is one's response to a challenge, and not the challenge itself that defines them. 

I am being nudged to continue this conversation. I guess He wants us to get this point.

He said, "Roger, sometimes you can be such a coprolite!" I shook my head and said, "Sometimes you sound just like my sister."

When I was going through cancer, and the subsequent Chemo treatments, I was surrounded by people that where much farther down the road on their journey with cancer than I was. It was awfully hard for me to feel bad, or sad, when these wonderful individuals where handling their diagnoses with such grace and dignity. 

My father used to say, actually he still says it, "Before you start feeling sorry for yourself, take a look around. You will see people that are going through much tougher stuff than you are." Good ole' trucker wisdom, you can't beat it.

Yet, when I look around, or simply jump into my car, I am confronted with people that are aggressive, angry, and just not nice; Coprolites. 

When I talk with people I seem to run into more people that are self-centered, myopic, and mean; Coprolites.

I watch people be horrible to people to the service industry. They say nasty things to waiters, waitresses, flight attendants...They are being Coprolites. 

Don't be a Coprolite!

We will all face challenges in our lifetimes, some easy and simple, some difficult, some seemingly unbearable. It is then that we need to lean into God, talk with Christ, listen for His nudges and wisdom. 

Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

I don't know about you, but when I lean on my own understanding and my own knowledge I too can be a Coprolite. I don't want to be a Coprolite. 

I will work even harder on giving Grace, giving people space to process, being loving and less judgmental, and not being a Coprolite.

I just realized that not everyone knows what a Coprolite is. Coprolite is an paleontological term for a fossilized turd. 

Something to think about.



Monday, March 14, 2022

1-year, 4-months and 7-days. Let's not wait so long next time.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well. 

It has been a few days since we have talked last. 

I got to thinking, "How long has it actually been?", so I looked it up.

It has been:

  • 1-year, 4-months and 7-days
  • 1.4 years
  • 16.3 months
  • 70.6 weeks
  • 494 days
  • 11,856 hours
  • 711360 minutes
  • 42681600 seconds
No matter how you calculate it, it has been awhile.

The last time we talked I was visiting the Dairy Farm (Chemo treatments). 
Since then I have:
  • Finished Chemo
  • Went into remission 
  • Had a back procedure
  • Had a full-blown back surgery
  • Had knee surgery
  • Grew my hair back
  • Told countless "dad" jokes.
  • Talked with God
  • Yelled at God
  • Apologized for yelling at Him
  • Laughed at and forgiven by Him
If you haven't noticed I have grown fond of bullet points, mainly because it drives Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor crazy!

My wife, Laurie, wants me to write another book, "Life after cancer." She was talking to me one day. Yes, she still talks to me. She said, "When you got the cancer free card from your oncologist, people started talking like everything was over. In fact, you had a number of things left to go through. You should write about trials and tribulations of recovering from cancer." Maybe I will someday, but not yet.

I was talking with a friend the other day, actually I was complaining about something, I can't remember what it was, I am sure it was important, so important in fact that a few days later I can't remember what I was complaining about. She looked at me and said, "Someone once told me, It isn't the challenge that defines you, it is your response." I said, "Who told you that nonsense!" She said, "A very wise man."

I told her, "He sounds like an idiot to me!"

She was right. How we respond to the challenges in our lives is more important than the challenges themselves. If I am to be congruent with what I say I believe, I must continually work on becoming more like Him. I have not arrived yet. I still struggle, it is a journey. 

Good thing I have a canoe!  

Anyway, I have missed our conversations and I hope you have too.

Talk soon.
