My Book

My Book

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Don't be a Coprolite!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Yesterday, we talked about how long it had been since we last spoke and I mentioned that it is one's response to a challenge, and not the challenge itself that defines them. 

I am being nudged to continue this conversation. I guess He wants us to get this point.

He said, "Roger, sometimes you can be such a coprolite!" I shook my head and said, "Sometimes you sound just like my sister."

When I was going through cancer, and the subsequent Chemo treatments, I was surrounded by people that where much farther down the road on their journey with cancer than I was. It was awfully hard for me to feel bad, or sad, when these wonderful individuals where handling their diagnoses with such grace and dignity. 

My father used to say, actually he still says it, "Before you start feeling sorry for yourself, take a look around. You will see people that are going through much tougher stuff than you are." Good ole' trucker wisdom, you can't beat it.

Yet, when I look around, or simply jump into my car, I am confronted with people that are aggressive, angry, and just not nice; Coprolites. 

When I talk with people I seem to run into more people that are self-centered, myopic, and mean; Coprolites.

I watch people be horrible to people to the service industry. They say nasty things to waiters, waitresses, flight attendants...They are being Coprolites. 

Don't be a Coprolite!

We will all face challenges in our lifetimes, some easy and simple, some difficult, some seemingly unbearable. It is then that we need to lean into God, talk with Christ, listen for His nudges and wisdom. 

Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

I don't know about you, but when I lean on my own understanding and my own knowledge I too can be a Coprolite. I don't want to be a Coprolite. 

I will work even harder on giving Grace, giving people space to process, being loving and less judgmental, and not being a Coprolite.

I just realized that not everyone knows what a Coprolite is. Coprolite is an paleontological term for a fossilized turd. 

Something to think about.



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