My Book

My Book

Friday, March 25, 2022

Old dog, new trick

 Good morning, 

I pray the day finds you well.

I learned something new today.

People were telling me that they haven't seen my blog, that they had been receiving it but then it stopped.  I said, No way." They said, "Yes way!"

I said, "Really?" They said, "Really!"

This caused me to ponder (something I am fond of doing), this caused me to pause (something I am less fond of), this caused me to question (Another thing I like doing).  

I went to my local IT guy (he just happens to be our facility manager) Sabastian. Sabastian is not a common name over here in the states, but it has been quite popular in Europe for many centuries. Don't believe me, google it; that is what I did because you guessed it, Sabastian is not his real name, but a story always goes better with a name attached!

I found Sabastian in the men's locker room, he was holding a valve to the shower head in one of the showers and when I walked in he yelled for me to give him the screwdriver on the bench; evidently the valve had malfunctioned and he was holding it so it wouldn't send a torrent of water down on him. There were two screwdrivers on the bench, I asked, "Which one do you want?" He yelled, as he was frantic by this point because he had been there for a while, "I don't care just give me one!" 

When Sabastian yelled about the screwdriver I immediately went to a post I had written in 20?? called, The Red Handled Screwdriver incident of 1974. Posted June 27, 2012. If you are interested go read it.

Anyway, I handed him a screwdriver and he was very grateful. Moments later he emerged unscathed and very dry, ready to help me. 

I explained my dilemma, including all the "Ways" and "Reallys"  

He took me to the backend of my blog, I didn't even know it existed, clicked a few buttons, installed a thing called a gadget, whatever that is, and wonder of wonders a "Subscribe button was on the front page!

He showed me how to use it, which I quickly forgot, and off I went. 

As I sat back in my chair admiring all the work I didn't do, but I learned something new. God gently said, "You see Roger, all you had to do was bring down the Ego, humble yourself enough to say, 'I don't know what I am doing and be transparent enough to admit it to someone and your life changed. You now know something different than you did a little bit ago."

He went on to say, "That is no different than a life with Me. If you just drop the Ego a bit, humble yourself to say God I need some help here. I am right here to help you. Your life will change. You will experience something new, you will be different."

I guess it is true, "You can teach an old dog a new trick." God has been doing it for thousands of years.

Something to ponder.

BTW, all you have to do is enter your email address under the subscription in the box and an email will come to you asking you to click a link to confirm you want a notification of the Daily Bread for Ragamuffins and Wonder of Wonders you will receive the daily Bread automatically.




  1. I think the term is WIDGET, but I could be wrong. Sabastian is much smarter than I am at these things. Thank you for this humble reminder :)

  2. I thought it was widget too but the website calls it a gadget. you know I have no idea!
