My Book

My Book

Thursday, September 8, 2022

We have a roundup today.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I got up a bit early this morning; every time I say the word "bit" I am reminded of the witch scene in Monte Python's Holy Grail.

I know what you're thinking, "Really, you had to bring Monte Python into a bread?"

My answer is, "Yes, how else can I make nut bread?"

I know it isn't funny, but it does beat Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor's "Two guys walk into a bar" joke!

Anyway, I got up a little early this morning. 

We have a roundup today.

These roundups are nothing like the roundups we had back in the land of Dorothy and Toto. While it is true that I still have to get up a bit early for these roundups, that is where the similarity ends. These roundups don't involve going out to the corral, waking up a sleeping horse, getting stepped on by said horse, feeding it some hay, and then going through the whole putting a saddle on a horse that thinks it is a bit early to have a saddle on its back. Then going out to the pasture with a bunch of other riders and horses that also think it is a bit early to both be ridden and to ride. Find a bunch of cows that also think it is a bit early to be pushed around by a bunch of weak men with their bully horses. 

If you think cows don't get mad, try waking up a Black Angus bull first thing in the morning; it will give you a whole new definition of, "A bad start to the day." 

This is a YMCA roundup, and it involves people. Of course, these people also think it is a bit early to start a roundup and can be a bit cranky. 

Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor knows how to deal with cranky people; his magic involves two guys, a bar, and a bad punchline. 

I'm never quite clear on whether this actually puts people in a good mood or they are just scared that if they persist with their crankiness, he will tell another bad joke; either way it seems to work. 

At our roundups, we talk about many things; at this one, we will be talking about fear and how it can paralyze people and organizations; change is hard and can be scary.

Today we are going to ask:

  • Do I want something else?
  • Do I want something more?
  • Do I want something different?
It will be interesting to hear everyone's answers.

Of course, this causes me to wonder.

  • Do I want something else?
  • Do I want something more?
  • Do I want something different?
I will ponder these questions. 

Will I be able to walk through the process or be frozen by fear?

Will you ponder this too?
Something to think about.

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