My Book

My Book

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Leave Yesterday Behind

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

That was then, this is now.
This is the first day of the rest of your life.
I fell down and can't get up.

I have been thinking a lot lately.
I have been thinking about possible Simon and Garfunkel songs.
This just goes to show you that while I may be thinking a lot it does not mean I have been thinking deep life changing thoughts.

Leave yesterday behind.
If I want to make a change it is up to me.
Pandemics are a lonely place.

Oh, the possible songs they could have sang.

I have been part of many meetings as we have gone through this Pandemic, especially with-in the "Y".

So often as we talked of "Emerging" into our "New", we would get bogged down by the "In the past" discussion.

Finally Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor just yelled out, "Leave yesterday behind."

This got me to thinking, mostly about possible titles to Simon and Garfunkel songs, but also about how am I stuck in "past thinking"?

I cannot help thinking about Simon and Garfunkel songs. I just like the way they sang.

I also cannot help but think about the past as I have Context in my top 5 of my StrengthFinders. I do like to look forward though.

If the "Y" is a change agent and I am a change agent with-in the "Y" then I must look forward as I look to transform peoples lives for the better.

Leave Yesterday Behind.

It is more than a possible Simon and Garfunkel song, it is a mindset that we will have to adopt if we want the transformation that we truly say we desire.

Something to ponder.


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