Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.
Another day, another hospital visit.
My ongoing issues and adventures with food continue as I fight lymphoma.
We had thought, and when I say we I mean me, my wife, my doctor teams all thought that I could start to add different foods to my diet, so I did.
Laurie and I like Mediterranean food and I wanted to lose some weight so we thought the Mediterranean diet would by a good one. My doctors all agreed that this would be a good diet. the only place I did not check was my small intestine.
As you can plainly see the carrot did not make it through and I ended up back in the hospital, Uggggggg.
I am always amazed by my hospital visits. I should bring a sign with me that reads, "The chaplain is in.", hang it above my door, and take appointments.
"Bloom here you are planted." I have heard this often during my lifetime.
Lately it seems that I get planted in hospitals quite a bit. This last time I was able to talk with and hopefully help a number of nurses and even a few doctors.
Covid-19 is getting to them.
They come into my room just like a carrot. All you see on the surface is the bushy green top. The real problems lay a bit deeper under the ground, just like a carrot.
I don't know if I am ever going to eat another carrot. I know Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor is thinking this is all a bit funny that I can be brought down by a tuber, a root.
I guess we got to the root of the problem.
All I know is no matter where you end up, God is there with you, and if you let Him He will work through you to help others.
So don't ask God, "What about me Lord?" Rather ask, "What about them?"
Bloom where you are planted.
Something to ponder.
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