My Book

My Book

Monday, July 11, 2022

Look there's a Bald Eagle!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I took a couple of days off to go camping and canoeing with friends. 

I wanted to go to Clear Lake and camp there for a couple of days. I had reserved a couple of spaces at the campgrounds a few months ago, and when I say I, I mean Holly (Not her real name, but every story goes better with a name attached). Holly reserved the campsites. 

We were all excited to go until I mentioned that Clear Lake doesn't have flush toilets; that was when Laurie said she wasn't so excited anymore. Laurie is partial to flush toilets, especially those attached to a house. Laurie was still willing to go, but the campsite wasn't the only thing with reservations. I packed up the car, put the canoe on top, and was as giddy as a kid at Christmas. That is when we got a call from Neffery (Holly's husband), and he told us the engine in his car blew up. I told Neffery (I just call him Bob for short) that I was sorry about his car and said, "use my other car." We can still go camping. Bob loved the idea and said ok. 

A few minutes later, Bob calls back and says, "Holly is throwing up buckets and is really sick." 

I said I was sorry that Holly was sick, and could he get a picture? I had never seen anyone throw up a bucket before."

Bob replied, "She isn't really throwing up buckets; it is just a metaphor for really being sick." 

To this, I said, "Well, if you are going to use a metaphor, why don't you say, 'Holly is throwing up barrels and dump trucks! That would be a lot sicker than throwing up buckets, just say-in."

I think they were all conspiring against me, all because of the no-flush toilet thing.

We changed our plans; we waited a few days and then went for a paddle on Sauvie Island.  It was a wonderful day. We saw 6 or 8 bald eagles ( It is hard to count on your fingers when you are holding a paddle), fish jumping; we even saw some wild cows! It was a beautiful paddle going along the tree-lined channel.  

We had been paddling for about an hour when Holly said, "Look, there's a Bald Eagle!"

Neffery said, "Where?"

Holly said, "In the tree."

Neffery said, "Which tree?"

Holly responded indignantly, "The green tree."

Holly was always a help that way. 

I couldn't help but take in the beauty of God's creation and how He creates such beautiful things. Even the way the herons would fly so majestically. The only suggestion I would give God is to give the Heron's a better voice. 

Holly would say, "Herons are so beautiful until they open their mouth."

Laurie said, "I agree, kind of like Roger."   

I am unsure what she meant. I will have to ask her sometime.

Anyway, when I sit back and look for the wonderment in creation, in life, I find myself utterly amazed. 

I am back at work now, in the "Y," and I am still looking through, what I call, my God glasses. When I look through those glasses, I see the wonderment and beauty of all the lives God created, even inside a building. 

Do you ever look through "God glasses"? 

Something to ponder.




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