My Book

My Book

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Yesterday was a busy day!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Yesterday was a busy day!

A day filled with meetings and a day filled with presents!

I had ordered a popcorn machine for the mobile food bus, and the popcorn machine came in!

Padme was at the front desk when the delivery person delivered the popcorn machine. I'm not sure what you would call the person delivering the popcorn machine if we didn't have the word delivery? Sometimes titles can be confusing, and sometimes titles hit the nail right on the head. 

I met a "Chief Heart Officer" the other day. One would think I was at a hospital in the cardiology ward, but I wasn't; no, the "Chief Heart Officer" was responsible for infusing the organization with empathy and helping people be less mean. I never would have guessed that job; it would have been like renaming the delivery person as the "Chief Present Giver." or something like that. 

The delivery person brought us the popcorn machine, and Padme was so excited; she was the one who requested the popcorn machine in the first place. She ran up, picked up the box, and carried it back to her office. We spent some time putting the pieces together, not that it was complicated, but the instructions weren't all that clear. 

About a million years ago, before I understood the meaning of exaggerating, I took a technical writing class in college. I took it as a prerequisite for a chemistry class. In chemistry class, we had to write out how to replicate our experiments so others could do them. The funny thing about chemistry is if you mix the wrong things or the incorrect amounts of things together, the experiment not only would not work, it might explode. Thus, the reason for the technical writing class. 

In the class, we would write out how to take apart a pen and how to put it back together and then hand our papers to our classmates and have them follow the instructions. It sounded easy enough, but it wasn't. Technical writing is more complex than it looks. 

In my chemistry class, I would write out my experiments and hand them to my pastor; he was quite the theologian. He wasn't much of a chemist, though. This made him the perfect test subject for my papers. If he could properly explain the process of the experiment after reading the paper, I knew it was good to go. 

I wasn't a very good chemist. 

I became a theologian.

I think the popcorn machine manufacturing company hired a theologian for their technical writing, just say-in.

We got the popcorn machine together, cleaned it up, and made popcorn.

We made a lot of popcorn.

We had the summer lunch program going on.

We had summer camps going on. 

We had Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor going on.

More than once, we had to put Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor in a time-out for cutting in line to get more popcorn. 

We had a great day feeding kids and campers. 

Padme said, "If I knew that Roger would buy me a popcorn machine, I would have asked him 3-years ago!"

I entered the "Y" this morning, and the sign said, "Spread your love everywhere you go." Mother Teresa.

I love that sign. 

I will do my best to be even more intentional about loving on people.

Have you loved on people today, showing them you appreciate them and helping them out? 

Has someone shown you love today, letting you know they appreciate you, helping you out?

Something to ponder.


p.s. Wait until Archibald finds out I bought a snow cone machine for the mobile food bus; he will lose his mind!

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember any popcorn being delivered to the fiscal management training office of fascination & enjoyment!
