My Book

My Book

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I was in a virtual meeting with my colleagues

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

Yesterday I was in a virtual meeting with my colleagues.

Virtual meeting you say, what is that?

Well, according to the definition I found on the computer it is:


almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition.

So according to my computer, which by the way I don't truly understand, I mean I get that it is made up of a bunch of little tiny parts, and uses little tiny electric thingy's and there is this cloud that I can't see; at least when I ask my computer programming kids if that is "the cloud" when I look in the sky they say, "Really dad, your not funny." And I am thinking, "I wasn't being funny, I was truly asking.", but I don't want to appear dumb so I say, "I thought it was funny." all the while wondering where this cloud is.

Anyway, I was in this virtual meeting which I guess was:
-nearly a meeting
-almost a meeting
-not completely a meeting

At least not according to strict definition.

About how we continue to love on people during this time of social distancing. One of the things we came up with was doing virtual classrooms, virtual camps, virtual workouts...

So these would be:
-nearly a classroom
-almost a camp
-not completely a workout

We actually talked about this in our "almost a meeting".

How do we truly connect with one another in this platform that can feel like, "Well, that was almost good or almost the real thing."

I was contemplating this during my quite time this morning when a still soft voice said, "Welcome to the club son." I realized that often times we treat God as if He was a virtual god and not the relational Father that He really is.

We treat Him like:
-nearly real
-Almost there
-Not completely God

Yet, we know:
-He is there
-He is real
-He is completely God

This is what I know of my colleagues:

We will create camps that are relational.
We will create classrooms that are interactive.
We will create workouts that make you sweat and cry (at least they make me cry, I guess I'm a woos).

We will do this , not simply to do this, but so you can have a real, a complete, a life that is really there.

This is why I work with the "Y".

Last thought.

As we go through our day. let us not have a virtual life, a life that is:
-nearly real
-Almost there
-Not completely complete

Let us love God, love man, serve both!


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