My Book

My Book

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

Another day of social distancing.

We held our first and hopefully only Covid-19 Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt yesterday.

One might ask their selves', "What is a Covid-19 Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt?

Good question; a Covid-19 Easter Egg Hunt is a social distancing experiment.

My neighbor has 3-acres. Laurie (my wife) and I took survey flags (the little sticks with orange material that flaps in the wind) and put them in the ground. We didn't put them just anywhere, no we were more intentional than that. We marked out specific plots of land (Much in the same way as the Sooners did it in Oklahoma back in the late 1800's when they raced across the Kansas border and said, "I take this land that nobody was on." Even though Native Americans had lived there for years, but that is another story.)

Our plots were good sized between 1/4 and 1/2 an acre each. The plots were spaced at least 20 yards apart and there were 3-plots.

One might ask, "Why 3-plots?"

Another great question; We made 3-plots because there was going to be 3-families that were partaking in the festivities.

We separated the plots so that families could social distance.

One might say, "that is all well and good, but what about cross contamination of the eggs and candy?"

Another great thought.

We had the families be responsible for bringing their own plastic eggs and candy so there would be no cross contamination.

One might say, "What? Plastic eggs, why not real ones?"

Once again, another fabulous question.

Plastic eggs are the key ingredient to a Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt.

Many years ago in a state just across the river in a town around 40-miles away from here there was a shy little girl. This little girl went to an Easter Egg Hunt at a YMCA. After the hunt the little girl's mother told me that her daughter did not get one egg. When she would go for an egg another kid would always get there first and take it. I told the mother that would never happen again and the Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt was born.

I bought 2,500 plastic eggs. and buckets full of candy. I did not put the candy n the eggs. I had a redemption center. This is how it worked:
1. Take a section of ground and mark it out
2. Place a bunch of eggs in the section.
3. Have a redemption Center.
a. Redemption center has candy and a bucket
4. Kids pick up the eggs, take them to the redemption center and trade their egg for a piece of candy.
5. Throw the eggs back into the plotted field.
6. Kids pick up the eggs and repeat the whole process until they are tired of hunting eggs.

The Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt was born! The hunt where every kid gets as many Easter Eggs as they want.

For the Covid-19 Never Ending Easter Egg Hunt families remained socially distant but they could all see one another and be together.

A few days ago I wrote about different ways to communicate during this time. Well, this was the standing far apart and yelling option.

Our new CEO Trevor (Not his real name, but like I am fond of saying, "A story is always much better with a name attached.) Really likes this option.

By the end of the afternoon the people were thanking me for putting this together. The ability to have fun together while still social distancing was important for them. I got to watch my grandkids have a great time with their parents, thus I got to have a great time with my kids. We used our cell phone like walkie-talkie's.

We had fun.

I know that once we get through this time. Things may (Oh let's face it), things will be different. Things will present challenges.

But as that famous philosopher once said, "It is not the challenge that defines you, it is your response." Regor Nottub

Let us respond well; with love, respect, honesty responsibility and service.

Maybe, just maybe we can teach an entire community what it is to truly love their neighbor.


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