My Book

My Book

Monday, April 27, 2020

Please help me help them, so they can help others.

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

I am back at the dairy farm again today, actually I am on a dairy farm field trip today. My normal Chemo treatment place is closed (another Covid-19 adjustment) and I am at a new place. It is your typical dairy farm with all the same accoutrements. I even saw one of my normal farm workers, she must be on a field trip too. She told me that they are using this dairy farm because it is more conducive for social distancing. One thing you should know, dairy cattle are not good at social distancing.

Our CEO Trevor (Not his real name, but a story is always better with a name attached) told me that he prefers to spell his mythical name with 15-v's, so here we go. Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor has been working very hard to help the "Y" continue to do all the good things that we do; like feed kids, work with lonely seniors, help families be their best.

This Covid-19 thing has caused us to be creative!

We are adding tutoring, virtual camps, Coffee with Jonna (if you haven't seen Jonna yet, tune into the Clark County Family YMCA Wednesday at 2pm; I think Liz (again not her real name) will be her special guest, this Wednesday will be a real Hoot.

Anyway I told Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor that I would try and help. If you look to the right side of the blog page you should see a "Help us help others" If you click it you can go to a donation page and help us help others.

I am sitting at the dairy farm watching nurses (farm workers) help others as they also help me.
They truly are amazing individuals. and the dairy cattle are some of the best people I have ever met.

Like I have said before, "The more stuff you go through, the less wrapped around axles you get." You realize what is truly big stuff and what isn't. Honestly, there is not that much big stuff to get wrapped up about, most of the stuff falls into to "isn't" category.

I am humbled and honored to be part of such an amazing group of people and organization that continues to be outward focused and intent on serving others in the midst of a storm, they are courageous.

Courage isn't just blindly running into a firestorm, that is just foolish.
Courage is knowing what can happen when you run into a firestorm and running into it anyway.

The staff at my YMCA are courageous.
-Do they get anxious? Yes they do.
-Are they sometimes fearful? Yes they are.
-Do they sometimes get down a bit? Yes they do.

Do they still run to the firestorm? Yes they do!

They are courageous!

One of my jobs is to give them the tools they need to do the amazing things they do.

Please help me help them, so they can help others.

Check out the donation tab.


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