My Book

My Book

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Is day old bread still good, or is it moldy?

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

With all this social distancing going on we are continually finding new ways connect.

Virtual meetings, FaceTime, standing far apart and yelling...

I was in one of our new ways of connecting yesterday; I was in a virtual meeting. We were discussing things of the YMCA, the "Y".

Things like:
-How do we continue to serve our community during these troubling times.
-Things are different, how do we adapt.
-What does coming out the other side of this look like.

These are all great questions. Then our Healthy Living Director (I will call her Bonnie, it might not be her real name, but a story always goes much better with a name attached) said, "Roger (please use an English accent when saying "Roger", she does) I didn't see a Daily Bread for today."

I replied, "Yes, I didn't write one for today."

Then Bonnie said, (and you can quit using the English accent she only does when she says "Roger") "Well I wonder."

I asked, "You wonder what?"

Bonnie quipped, "I wonder if day old bread is still good, or is it moldy?"

I thought, "Wow, now that is the question of the day."

Is day old bread not good, hmmm?

Well I suppose it could still be good if the ingredients were good.

I remember somebody telling a story about yeast and bread once. He said, "A little yeast leavens the whole bread."

This made me wonder.

If the yeast is bad, then it only takes a little yeast to ruin the whole bread (you know the one bad apple ruins the whole bunch thing).

But, if the yeast is good the whole bread is good and will last for days!

I have a friend who is an amazing baker (I will call him Matt). He makes amazing breads and they are really good even the next day, which if you are good at math makes them a day old.

As you can see I have been pondering Bonnie's question.

This is what I came up with:

It depends on what I put into my heart.

When I put God's word into my heart, it is the yeast that leavens my thoughts, my bread and makes it good.

Thank you Bonnie for causing me to ponder.

By the way, our "Y" is coming up with new and exciting ways to serve our community. I know that the program directors will be sprinkling the yeast of love, respect, honesty, responsibility and service throughout our programs so our community will not become moldy bread.

My prayer is that this old bread caused you to ponder too.


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