My Book

My Book

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How to make an introvert happy

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

"There are basically two types of people. People who accomplish things, and people who claim to have accomplished things. The first group is less crowded."
Mark Twain

"The longer I live the more I realize I do not know."
Regor Nottub

When I read that quote by Mark Twain I thought, "I am not really sure that I have accomplished anything."
I am an introvert and for that reason alone I would have liked to be in "the first group" as it has less people in it, But alas, I seem to be relegated to the larger group of those that have not.

I also agree with Regor Nottub. The longer I live and the more that I learn, the more I realize I do not know. When I listen to people who claim to know things I smile and say to myself, "They just haven't lived long enough yet."

When I was younger my teaching style was different. I thought I actually knew something about the subject matter that I was teaching, after all I was hired to teach that stuff so it stood to reason I must have knowledge in that particular subject.

But alas I was wrong.

How many times have we heard, "Don't try this at home, He/she is professional."

Do you know what the difference is between a professional and an amature is? A professional gets paid.

No, the longer I taught and the more I studied, the more I realized I did not know.

So my teaching style changed. I spent less time pontificating or professing, something professors are really good at, and more time coming alongside my students and engaging in the learning experience with them.

As the "Y" confronts our latest challenge, the challenge of community, I will continue to listen to the needs of my family (remember there are no "others" in my world) knowing all the while that I really do not know anything but am willing to come along side and learn with those that I am with.

Maybe if I get really good at that I will finally accomplish something and become part of that small group that Mark Twain was talking about.

Maybe then this introvert will be happy.

Something to ponder.


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