My Book

My Book

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Krumly said, "That's Jesus, how long has He been there?"

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

We are getting ready to emerge next week. Our YMCA will be ready to have our "Y" family come back in!

One of the things we have been doing is moving things around so we can provide a socially distanced environment.

We moved a piano.

Krummly (Not his real name, you get the gist) looked at the spot where the piano once lived, as he looked at the spot his gaze went up to a picture that hung above the piano. The picture is of Jesus with a kid on His lap and a bunch more surrounding Him.

Krumly said, "That's Jesus, how long has He been there?"

Esmeralda replied, "Jesus has always been there. He never left."

I was not here when this took place, Esmeralda recounted it to me later when I came in.

She explained to Krumly that it is the same with Jesus and himself; that Jesus was always with him and has never left.

Krumly told me later, recounting the experience with Esmeralda, that while he was a little embarrassed that he had not noticed Jesus he loved how Esmeralda used the experience to explain that Jesus was always with him.

During these times it might be easy to forget to talk to Jesus, to talk to God. Just know that Jesus, God doesn't forget about us and is their for us.

We are opening our doors next week.

It is good to know that Jesus has had His door open all along.

Something to ponder.


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