My Book

My Book

Monday, May 23, 2022

It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

It is another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest. I suppose I should clarify "beautiful day." When I say beautiful day I mean it isn't raining cats and dogs. We consider it a sunny day when it is only drizzling or misty, we call that liquid sunshine. Today when I look out at the ground it has that wonderful shade of dry in its color. I should also clarify that I am writing this particular Daily Bread on the Friday before the Monday of which you are reading this; so the ground could have many different shades in its color by the time you are reading this. 

In the midst of my meanderings while writing this, one of the staff at the "Y" came to say good morning, I tend to do most of my writing in the morning before things get out of control. When I say, "Out of control" that is code for Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor showing up and say, "Roger, I am glad I caught you, I have this great idea." The picture in my head shifts to an amusement park attendant saying, "Keep your heads inside the ride at all times." as the rollercoaster leaves the station. 

It is a good thing Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor doesn't read these breads, or the code would be broken!

Back to the staff that came into my office. I asked her what she was doing this weekend and she said, "I am going to a 'Mom's prom'!" She missed her prom in high school and a friend asked her to go to this prom.

She asked me, "What are you doing this weekend?" 

I said, "I don't know, I haven't been told yet."

When she told me about how her friend bought the tickets and went out of her way to do this for her, I immediately went to Mark Twain. Mark Twain is one of my favorite authors and I have many of his quotes locked up in my head, I think that is why I can't remember where I put my keys, my head is full of Mark Twain quotes. 

Mark Twain once said, "It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand." When he said this he was talking about the things that God asks us to do that we don't really want to do and it bothers us.

Mark Twain also said, "Let us endeavor so to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."

For me, I have always said that I want to end well. To go out with a smile leaving people with a fond memory and wanting a bit more. When I got the news that I had cancer I didn't yell at God, nor did I ask Him to heal me. I did say, "If this is how I am going to go out, let me go out well. Let me go out living the faith I profess to have." 

After the staff was telling me the story about getting to go to prom and had left my office I thought, "let me be that friend" 

I am now pondering again, "Am I living a life that when I go even the undertaker will be sad."

How are you living your life?

Something to ponder.


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