My Book

My Book

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Laurie and I went to dinner with Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and Wendy Friday night

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Laurie and I went to dinner with Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and Wendy Friday night (As always Wendy is not her real name, but a story goes much better with a name attached. 

When Laurie and I got to the restaurant Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and Wendy were already there, in fact they were already seated at the table. Well, Wendy was seated at the table. Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor was busy signing autographs for people. I think both the management and the people would have been more appreciative if the customers had actually asked for his autograph. But, Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor was busy mingling with his fans, signing the fancy cloth napkins, men's ties, and the back of ladies hands. Wendy was just sitting quietly at the table drinking wine, and asking for a refill. the waiters where busy though, mostly attempting to get Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor to sit back down at our table. Wendy and the restaurant were glad we showed up and Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor sat down with us. 

Wendy is a wonderful lady; quiet, reserved, usually doesn't drink. Tonight was a special occasion (I think mostly because of all the autograph non-seekers receiving autographs, but then again that is how Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor roles.  

We had a wonderful time and the conversation was invigorating, at least for Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and I. We spent most of the time talking about the "Y." Laurie and Wendy spent most of the time trying to get us to talk about something else. They ended up having their own conversation; mainly around the topic of leaving Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and me home and having a girls day! We did spend an exorbitant amount of time discussing what name to use before coming up with Wendy. 

We ended the evening with lots of laughs and figuring out what we will do next. 

That has nothing to do with today's bread, just wanted to keep you updated on my social life. 

Saturday morning I was back at the "Y" to help set up for Healthy Kids Day. Healthy Kids Day is a YMCA that is meant to show off, flaunt, unveil all the things of the YMCA to kids and families that do not know about the YMCA. It is a great event, a fun event, an event that takes a lot of work to get ready for and to put on, but well worth it, and this year is the 30th anniversary of Healthy Kids day. 

We always get a ton of families. We also get a ton of, "We didn't know." or "the "Y" is awesome." We get excited when a new family becomes a member. Not because we have a "new member," but because we have a new member of the family. another life we get to save. Another life we get to positively impact, another life we get to change in a positive way.

You have heard me say, "Big stuff, little stuff" before, and how most of the "stuff" we perceive as big stuff is actually "little stuff" that we decided to make "big." Well, at least for me, Healthy Kids Day is big stuff.

We work hard at our YMCA, and sometimes it can get us down when we get tired and see all the hurt and pain in the world, but see true impact always give energy, and hope for the future. 

I am glad that I am part of a place that makes my soul sing.

What kind of a place are you part of?

Something to ponder.



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