My Book

My Book

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Yesterday was "Eat what you want Day."

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I have great news!!!

Bellona (Of course not her real name), noticed some grammatical errors, and a misspelling here and there. 

Bellona said, "You have grammatical errors in your breads."

In true Chappy fashion I said, "Ya, so what." Even after all these years as a chaplain I still amaze myself at my caring response to people in conversation with me.

She said, "You should fix them before you send out the bread."

I responded, "If it is so important to you that the breads are grammatically perfect, you fix them."

After some back and forth Bellona agreed to be the "Bread editor" for us. 

So here is our first bread post editor!

Yesterday was "Eat what you want Day."

I found that humorous. the fact that I am on an endless weight loss kick is because every day was an "Eat what you want Day." 

I actually know a Jennifer Lawrence. She is not the Jennifer Lawrence from the Hunger Games movies, but that doesn't take away the fact that I know a Jennifer Lawrence. I asked her for her autograph once, I suggest you don't do that, she just hit me. Thus the reason for the "You can Scream, Cry, and Yell, but you can't hit the chaplain" sign that I have in my office. But that is not what I want to talk to you about today. I am still in therapy from that beating. 

When I saw the National "Eat what you want Day" sign, Jennifer Lawrence, or JLaw as she is commonly called. Was walking by. I immediately put the two together and came up with, "The Hunger Games." I can remember my revulsion when I watched the scene in the capital and they were all eating extravagant food. when someone came up to Peta and Katniss and offered them more food, they politely declined stating that they were full. the person then said, "Drink this, it will make you throw up and you can eat more food." 

The irony was that I was revulsed by this in the movie and yet at the same time as I was watching it, I was busy wolfing down an entire pizza.    

I am learning that I don't need to eat until I am busting at the seams, and in all actuality, I am happier if I don't. 

I was busy thinking / pondering about "Eat what you want Day" and how I can be revulsed one moment while at the same time doing exactly what was making me revulsed in the first place. That is when God threw a wrench into my whole thought process. 

God said, "You might as well have a "Think what you want Day", it seems you are having as much trouble controlling your thoughts as you have been with controlling your eating." 

I said, "Yes, I know. I do pretty good for a while and then some abhorrent thought comes into my head and the next thing I know I am pondering that as well."  

God said, "I know, This whole omnipresent thing means that I am present in your thought life as well. Frankly, sometimes it makes me want to scream, cry, and yell." 

I said, "That's ok, just don't hit me."

We had a good laugh at that one. 

As we talked I said, "I even teach thought life and do directional work with-in it, and I know I have my thought radar scanning pretty far out there, but every so often I catch myself in a daydream that usually starts with a "What If" scenario." 

God said, "I know, but nobody ever trips on a crack in the sidewalk and just falls into sin, they think about it first. It goes something like this:

  1. A thought pops into their head.
  2. They begin to think about it.
  3. They realize they should not be thinking about whatever the thought is. 
  4. They decide to think about it anyway.
  5. Pretty soon the thought consumes them.
  6. They think they want to do it, whatever "it" is.
  7. They justify why it is ok to act on the thought.
  8. They act on the thought, this action is called sin. 
I said, "I can't tell you how many times people have sat in the chair and said, "I don't know how I got here in my life." "It is like I just fell into this situation."

I just look at them lovingly and say, "Yeah, No." (Remember I am good at what I do). 

And yet, I too catch myself starting down that road. Sometimes I get to level 3-4 before I go knock it off and correct myself. Of course another conversation with God happens soon after. 

Am I the only one who has times when I fight the, "Think what you want Day," or do others fight it as well.

Something to ponder.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Roger, you are NOT the only person who has those days. I struggle with thinking what I want daily. And I spend time while exercising in the pool reciting 2 Corinthians 10:5 to remind myself that God wants me to take those random thoughts captive and make them obedient to him.
