My Book

My Book

Monday, May 2, 2022

People vote with their wallets

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

A friend of mine, she name is Bellona (once again not her real name) came up to me yesterday and said, "Do you know Elon Musk?"

I said, "Not personally, he has never come to my house, or invited me to dinner."

Bellona said, "Funny you should bring up dinner. (I didn't laugh, so I am not sure what was so funny about it) You know he wants to go to Mars, right."

I said, "Yes." (Doing my best to put on my 'look how interested I am face, while all the while pondering why I had to let me belt out a notch this morning, Hmmm...could it have been those three hamburgers I had last night? No, it couldn't have been that, could it?)

Bellona continued, "So to go to Mars, he said he is going to build a space port on the moon to launch from!"

I replied, "A-ha" (Maybe it was the milkshake?)

She continued without taking a breath, "Not only is he gong to build a space port but an entire community on the moon." (I know it was that yogurt I had for desert. I will cut that out the yogurt next time. I am sure to lose weight then)! 

I replied, "Wow."

Bellona went on to describe this community and all its services. She said, "It will even have a restaurant!!"

(Bellona is very excitable as you can obviously tell from all the exclamation points!!!!)

I said, "Say it isn't so." (Maybe if I lift weights in my mind, my biceps will get bigger)

She finished with, "Yes! the food will be out of this world, the only problem is there is no atmosphere!)

I said, "did you just tell a joke?"

Bellona said, "Yep"

I replied, "That was the longest joke ever." (I hate it when people take a long time to get to the point, don't you?)

But her joke got me to thinking, and when I think I tend to go right into pondering. 

Elon Musk just spent $43Billion to buy Twitter, so he could tweet and twitterpate. I have no idea how much he spent so he can vacation on Mars someday. 

I met with a donor the other day discussing all the things we do here at the YMCA that positively impact lives, or as our CEO likes to say, "Save lives." Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor is not wrong either. We do, and have saved lives. 

As we talked the topic of money came up. The donor asked, "How much does it cost to do that?" I told the donor what it cost and the donor said, "Is that all? How can you do all that for that amount of money?" 

I replied, "We are very frugal, actually I think I said cheap. 

As I thought about Elon Musk spending $43,000,000,000 to buy twitter so he could tweet and twitterpate. I also thought about hungry kids, people dying of cancer, the mental health crisis, homelessness in America today, and how $43,000,000,000 could help in these areas, and these where just ones that came to me at the time. 

I could go on complaining about spending $43,000,000,000 just to tweet and twitterpate, but I won't. Who am I to say how, or even judge, how someone spends their money. Would I like someone else to judge Laurie and me about how, and what we contribute to our fellow human in the name of Christ? I don't think we would. 

If Elon Musk wants to put his money into making sure he can tweet and twitterpate what he wants to tweet and twitterpate, ok let him. 

There is an old adage in the church world, it goes like this, "People vote with their wallets." Simply, people put money where their hearts are. 

As I pondered this, I will continue to put my money, time, energy...into the things that are important to me; God's people and His creation; all of them, whether they believe He exists or not. 

Do you ever wonder why you put your money, time, energy into the things you do?

Something to ponder.



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