My Book

My Book

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Did you see the moon?

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

Did you notice the moon last night? It was huge!!

I was actually in my house, working on something, can't really remember what it was at the moment, I can't seem to remember a lot of things. I can remember that I should remember them but the actual remembering part seems to escape me. My wife says that I can be forgetful, she tells me that often, I guess that I forget that too.

Anyway, I was in my house when my neighbor called and said, "Look at the moon!"

So I did.

It was amazing, the moon that is. It (the moon) was clear, crisp, full, bright, and big.

I watched the moon for quite a while.

It is fun to watch the moon, you can see it move.

I have watched the moon in its various phases over the many years, I can remember that. So much for me being forgetful!!

I remember something God said. He said, "I will place a brighter Light and a lesser light in the sky. The brighter light I will call day, and the lesser light I will call night.

I was entranced by the moon. I was entranced as I watched it move across the sky.

Then a still small voice said, "The moon is always moving, you just have to sit still long enough to see it."

How often are we so busy running that we fail to see the things moving around us? How often do we say, "I don't see them doing anything, or why does it have to be this way, why doesn't it change?"

The funny thing about the moon moving is the only way you can see it move is by putting it against a stationary object (like a tree, or a building) sit very still and look at both the moon and the stationary object. Only then can you see it move. Looking at the moon solely against the expanse of the night sky you can't see it move, or sure you can see it moved, but not moving.

This is also true for the, ""I don't see them doing anything, or why does it have to be this way, why doesn't it change?" questions.

If we don't sit very still and intentionally watch it (whatever the "it" is at the moment) you won't see it change. Or sure you can see it changed over a long period of time, but not changing.

Then I forget that I asked the question in the first place. I forget that I was wondering why that thing didn't change and I am off to the next, "Why is that, that way? why doesn't it change?" question again.

I will remember what that still soft voice said, "The moon is always moving, you just have to sit still long enough to see it."

I will work on being more intentional.

About having eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to accept.

Did you see the moon?

Something to ponder.



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