My Book

My Book

Monday, May 18, 2020

Tune in today and watch D.A's interview.

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

This Covid-19 thing has really changed things. We are currently still in a stay at home order, but things might be opening up soon. Our "Y" now has many virtual classes and meetings, things like, "Coffee with Jonna". "Coffee with Jonna" is a one-hour afternoon show (Kind of like the ones on T.V. that has a special guest and Jonna interviews them. The cool part of the show is that because it is on the "ZOOM" platform the audience can interact with Jonna and her guest.

Today Jonna is interviewing Norm (remember the not his real name thing). Norm has a stage name, it is D.A. and while it could be short for "Don't Ask" it isn't, just don't ask.

D.A. will be talking about many things; like the time a freak wind storm took out all the trees in the parking lot, or Ohio State (He really likes Ohio State. I think D.A. is a poisonous nut, just say-in) he might even talk about helping the chaplain split wood.

Nobody really knows what will come out of D.A.'s mouth, he is a bit unpredictable, kind of like Covid-19.

This brings me to my point.

People may be a bit unpredictable, but God is not. Oh, sure He may do something you might not expect, but that isn't because He is unpredictable, it is because you had your focus in the wrong direction.

Andrew Coumo, you know the Governor of New York that has his own talk show. He comes on every morning and talks, and talks, and talks, said something yesterday (yes, he is even on Sunday mornings). He said there are two things you can always count on:
1. God's eye
2. A mother's love

God's eye is an interesting way of saying that God will never leave you nor forsake you. This is a very comforting thought, at least it is to me.

Especially during these times.

Especially during D.A.'s interview.

God will be with me always and until the end and beyond. I have that comfort.

Tune in today and watch Norm's interview.


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