My Book

My Book

Friday, May 8, 2020

My name is Daryl

Good morning,
I Pray the day finds you well.

My brain hurts.

I can't stop thinking about the butterfly I saw the other day.

I feel as if our whole country has been in this process of transformation and moving from our former selves to what will be our new and improved selves. Much the same way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

In my minds eye I see us in the cocoon waiting to emerge.

Speaking of transformation; My Executive Director has been in quite a process of transformation himself. He has been working very hard. He has been doing his very best to get the word our about our "Y". He has been working so hard that the one thing he hasn't had time to do is shave.

My executive Director Daryl (again, not his real name but every good story...) has even been on T.V. you may recognize him.

Here is his LinkedIn photo I found.

Here is his T.V. debut!

Daryl has been very busy talking about the "Y"; in fact in his T.V. debut he talks about how people don't seem to notice us anymore. How even though we are busy doing the right thing and doing the right thing doesn't mean that we have to be acknowledged, there is a little part of him that misses the fact that people used to talk about the "Y" and now it makes him feel invisible.

Maybe one of the good things that will come out of this pandemic; when we come out of our societal cocoon, will be the fact that we truly see each other. Not just look though us, or past us, but truly look at us. to say, "How are you doing?" and mean it.

One of the things that really bothers Daryl is that people don't even bother to get to know him well enough to find out his real name.

If you really want to hurt Daryl's feelings just call him Bigfoot. Oh, he won't correct you, but his heart will crack a bit when you do.

My prayer is that we start to truly see one another; to ask, "How are you doing?" and really mean it. To start to see that person down the street as our neighbor and not just some person down the street.

When we come out of this societal cocoon may we love one another as Jesus commands us to do.

Something to ponder.


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