My Book

My Book

Monday, May 11, 2020

Paint on a road

Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.

Yesterday was Mother's Day, and what a day it was.

Our kids all surprised us with a Covid-19 social distancing visit.

Our neighbor set the whole thing up for us to see each other in her field. We had a picnic.

My family growing up was a loving family, but we just didn't say the "L" word to each other. I learned to say the "L" word from my grandfather. If you want to know more on how that took place you will have to read, "things my grandfather taught me". You can find it two places:
1. In the book "Dancing with God"
2. Somewhere in this blog site

I say the "L" word a lot.

Now my kids and grandkids do too.

Over the years I have done more than my fair share of funerals and memorials. One thing that has always bothered me when I did them was how people gushed over the dead. Many times it was the first time that they had said anything.

I would hear, " I never, or he/she never...

And they would go on to say how much this person has impacted them or meant to them even though they never told them.

Another thing I would hear is, "My one regret is that I never told them that I loved them and I wish I had."

Why is it we tend to wait until it is too late to say these words?

I know all the pseudo-psychological mumbo jumbo on the why's and why-not's of not saying these words.

I also know that people are perfectly fine driving down a road at 60-miles per hour with traffic coming in the other direction at the same speed. They feel perfectly safe because there is a double yellow line and people cannot pass.

I am also very aware that the double yellow line is nothing more than paint on a road and doesn't stop anyone from coming into my lane.

Perception is a funny thing.

We perceive we are safe and so we are.

Why don't we all live just a bit more dangerously and risk not getting the answer we think we need to hear and just tell people the "L" word. Tell them the "L" word before they are gone.

My parents know I love them.
My wife knows I love her.
My kids know I love them.
My grandkids know I love them.
My "Y" Family knows I love them.

The list just kind of goes on and on...

These people know I love them because:
1. I tell them.
2. I show them.
3. I brag about them when I meet others.

Paint on a road.
Words unspoken.

Something to ponder.


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