My Book

My Book

Thursday, April 28, 2022

A walk with God

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Getting off the treadmill and onto a trail feels really good. 

When I am on a trail I have plenty of time to ponder, ruminate, and converse with God. I like to call it, "A walk with God." As I walk along, lost in my thoughts, time just flies, which again is much different than being on the treadmill. On the treadmill every minute feels like an hour. On a trail every hour feels like a minute. 

When I walk with God I get to ask all the "why" questions; all the "How come" questions. The questions can range from, "Why is something a certain color," to "How come something is the way it is?" But most of the time we just walk together in silence. 

On the trail, I smell all the foliage and flowers. I feel the breeze in the air, and the scenery is constantly changing. 

On the treadmill, I smell me, and sometimes when someone is on the treadmill next to me, I smell them too. There really isn't much of a breeze in the gym, and the scenery is always the same. On the treadmill I don't feel as if I am walking with God, I know that He is there because He is omnipotent (why do theologians have to use such big words? I am sure that will be another bread someday). Omnipotent simply means everywhere at once. Another concept that will make your nose bleed if you ponder it long enough. Anyway, God is with me on the treadmill, but I am not in the mood to listen, nor have a conversation. I just want to get it over with. 

On the trail, I feel happy. If I have a problem that I am thinking through, I usually come up with a positive solution. See, walking with God is beneficial.

On the treadmill, I am not so happy. If I have a problem that I am thinking through, I seldom even come up with an answer; let alone a positive one. Mainly, I believe, because I am not talking with God about it.

As you can tell I prefer a trail to a treadmill. 

Walking with God on the trail is taking a journey with God.

Walking on the treadmill is walking a road to nowhere.

I think I will take a walk with God, a journey if you will. 

In your life are you on a treadmill or are you on a trail?

Something to ponder.



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