My Book

My Book

Friday, April 22, 2022

I can't get Heaven out of my mind!

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I can't get Heaven out of my mind!

I was at a Christian meeting the other day.  The topic of Heaven came up.  I sat there listening as people started talking about Heaven.  One man said, "When we go to Heaven we will all be 33-years old.  Jesus was 33-years old when He went to Heaven, so we will all be 33-years old when we go to Heaven."

I started to think about everyone being 33-years old in Heaven.  Under the premise that since Jesus was 33-years old when He went to Heaven, we all will be 33-years old in Heaven, then it also stands to reason that all of our birthdays will be on the same day as Jesus' birthday.  I could see conversations would go something like this. 

"Good morning Dan." 

"Good morning Roger." 

Dan, I have been wondering, how old are you?" 

"I am 33-years old." says Dan. 

I say, "Really, that is amazing, I am 33-years old too." 

Dan says, "Don't be too amazed, everyone is 33-years old in Heaven." 

I say, "Really, everyone is the same age?" 

"Yep," says Dan. 

Dan continues, "Do you know that not only is everyone 33-years old but we all have the same birthday." 

"Really?" I say. 

Dan says, "Yep, it's true.  Don't wait to the last minute to go shopping at HeavenMart.  The lines will be very long and they run out of stuff quickly." 

As I was running this conversation through my mind, a man who had been listening to our conversation looked over at me and said, "I hope we are all not 33-years old in Heaven.  I would rather be 19." 

I say all this because I think we have some pretty wild ideas of what Heaven is going to be like.  It is becoming obvious to me that we really do not have any idea of Heaven.  All I know is that it is going to be better than I can ever imagine, and I can imagine a lot!

Am I the only one to ponder this stuff, or do you have ideas of heaven too? I would love to hear them.





  1. I also ponder what Heaven will be like. I think about all the things I would have liked to do with my life and didn't get done. I never went to college. I also didn't become a ballet dancer, astronaut, teacher or executive of a corporation that works to end poverty and homelessness. People will say that there's still time and it's never too late. Perhaps I could go to college but, being a woman of acertain age, I'm relatively certain that being a ballerina or astronaut are no longer options. God's word tells us that He will give us the desires of my heart. I seem to have a lot of those; too many for this earthly lifetime. I've sometimes thought perhaps that's what Heaven is for. I know I will have work to do and a purpose to fulfill. Eternity is a long time so I can look forward to doing whatever work God assigns. As you said, whatever it is it will be more than I can possibly imagine.

  2. And I know you can imagine a lot!!
    Someone said, "I hope we get a least a thousand years of vacation at a time, after all I will be working for eternity Ugggg...."
