My Book

My Book

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

If everything is breaking news, then nothing is breaking news.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I came into the "Y" this morning and guess what today is? Grilled cheese Day! Evidently April 12 is national grilled cheese day. I wish it had been the other day on our "Snow Day" It would have been awesome to have a grilled cheese on a snow day, but alas it wasn't so I couldn't.

In typical upper left fashion (Upper left is one of the things we call ourselves up here in Oregon and Washington. There are other things that people call us, but I won't go into that now) the snow has already melted and we are back to our normal (everything is relevant) selves.

One of the things I love to witness during a "weather event" is the names the news always gives them.

  • The snarl in the city
  • City at a standstill
  • The Apocalypses in April
  • The storm of the century
  • The storm of the year
  • The storm of the month
  • The storm of the week
I could go on, but I already know you are getting tired of it. 

If everything is breaking news, then nothing is breaking news. We have become numb to "Breaking News." 

This got me to thinking, which of course, led to pondering. 

What am I doing in my life that has become in essence "breaking news?" What am I doing in my relationship with God that has become "numb" to me? 

Just thinking about it makes me a little sad. I don't want to become numb to my relationship with God. I don't want to just go through the motions, but sometimes I wonder. 

Take miracles for example; I hear people say all the time, "God doesn't make miracles happen anymore. When was the last time you saw a miracle happen?" Many people believe that miracles do not happen today, that they are a thing of ancient history. Are we so numb to miracles that we just don't see them happening anymore? 

Another thing people ask me is, " Do you really hear from God?" when I ask them, "Don't you?" and they say no, I wonder have they become numb to his voice? 

I worry about being numb to God. If I am numb to our relationship, people will not find it compelling. Have you ever seen a relationship between humans that is just blah, numb? If you have, you typically look at it and say, "I am glad that I'm not in that one!"

So if I am in a "numb" relationship with God, people can see it and I have no doubt they say, "I'm glad I'm not in 'that' relationship."

I do not want to be in a numb relationship with God. It is more than just for show, for others to see. It is because being in "right" relationship with God is exciting, fun,  and I get to see "real" braking news! I have seen miracles. God does talk to me. 

The question that I ponder is, "How is your realtionship with God? is it numb or exciting?"

Something to ponder.


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