My Book

My Book

Friday, April 8, 2022

Evidently yesterday was, "No Housework Day."

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Evidently yesterday was, "No Housework Day."

It is a good thing I didn't do any housework. I would have been upset if I had missed that day!!

My wife didn't know about it either, so she is more upset than I am, she did do housework yesterday. 

God is a funny duck! As I read the April 7 "No Housework Day" sign He said, "Remember that church board meeting you had almost thirty years ago." 

This is why you can't hide anything from God, He has an amazing memory.

 I said, "The one where the elder was upset because a person came into our church wearing shorts (it was his first time in a church)?" 

God said, "Yes, that's the one. I was very entertained."

 I responded, "I am glad you were, I was a little angry." 

He said, "I know, that made it even funnier." 

"I suppose you want me to talk about it in my bread", said I. 

God said, "That is why I reminded you." 

I said, "Ok." So here goes. 

I long time ago, in a land far far away, I was pastoring a church (Maybe it was more like pestering a church). And as many of you know, (it is ok if you don't, why would you if you haven't been in church) we have meetings. So. once a month the "Elder" team meets with the pastors and we would discuss church business. I have always said, "If you want to watch a bunch of Christians not act very Christian-like, go to an Elder meeting." During the meeting the topic of "dress code" was brought up (not by me) and the fact that this "new" person had the audacity to show up in shorts, it was summer by the way, the elder went on to say, "If I were to meet the president of the United States I would put on the best clothes that I had so I could make the best first impression that I can." 

I just looked at him in disbelief.  

He went on to say, "I want to make a motion (Roberts rules of order were alive and well in church meetings) that shorts are not allowed in church!"

Again, I just stared at him.

Then he said, "Pastor don't you agree?"

God said, "This is the best part!" 

I responded, "No, no I do not agree! you see, if I was to meet the president of the United States I too would put on my best clothes, so I could also make a best first impression. But, God already knows me! He sees me in church, and in the world. He sees me in the bathroom when I am pooping (Yes, I actually said pooping. Of course I was much young and not nearly as mature as I am now, so you won't here me say pooping now. I don't talk about poop or pooping anymore so do expect to hear pooping again., ok I done now)! He sees me naked in the shower! God does not ask me to dress up on the outside to come to Him. He continually nudges me to cleanup my insides so I can be more like him. If someone seeking Christ comes into our church wearing shorts, then good, at least they are with us." 

I have never forgotten this. When I get tired and a little "judgy" it reminds me that I have more house cleaning to do. Cleaning my spiritual house is never ending and not all that easy at least for me. 

How are you doing with your spiritual housecleaning?

Something to ponder



Postscript-No we did not confirm a dress code for our church.

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