My Book

My Book

Monday, April 4, 2022

You can scream, cry, and yell, but you can't hit the chaplain

Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

One thing that I have noticed in my life's travels is, left to their own devices people tend to be self-centered and myopic. What I mean is, unless there has been some intervention by God, either mystically, or Him using part of His creation, people tend to be turned inward. 

Creation, what do I mean by that? I am so glad you asked.

God can use nature (remember He created nature) to transform someone. People fall in love with hiking, or water sports, animals...and they start thinking in terms of, "What is best for...and are my actions helping or hurting...?

God can use people (He created people too) to transform someone. People may go to a therapist, counselor, pastor, friend...and realize that they are part of something bigger and start thinking outwardly.

Oh, here is one for all those primordial ooze advocates out there. Have you ever thought that God created primordial ooze and thus created all biological life through that? Hmmm...something for you to ponder, just say-in. 

Not everyone has been transformed yet. We have lots of work to do.

The "Its all about me" mentality runs rampant through these individuals. 

I got to the "Y" this morning and was doing my walk through. I walk through the "Y" multiple times during the day checking on staff, volunteers, and members. I was doing my morning walk through and got to the Youth Department office. Padme (our Youth Director), Anna (our Youth Coordinator), and her daughter Aurora were there. No, those aren't their real names, you know the drill.

Anna was busy yelling at her computer screen. Padme was busy yelling No, No, No while at the same time texting a staff. and Aurora was busy playing music on a drum! Very relaxing environment if I say so myself. 

Anna was yelling at her screen because someone wanted financial assistance (We call this Access in the "Y"), but didn't want, or think, we needed any supporting documents. The, "I want this service but I don't want to do anything to help you give it to me" mentality was happening.

Padme was actually multi-tasking (something she seems to be very good at). Padme was yelling No, No, No, because a parent had signed their child up for two different sports with two different organizations at the same time. This parent had signed their child up for both city league soccer and YMCA basketball. Then sent Padme an email with the soccer schedule attached and said, "Here is my child's soccer schedule, would you please schedule all her practices and games around that!" All the while Padme was texting a staff about a schedule change for afterschool enrichment. 

Did I mention that people are self-centered and myopic?

Both Padme and Anna explained their plight to me, so I knew I had to do my chaplain thing. I did the only thing a good chaplain would do in this moment, I sang a song while Aurora played the drums! I thought this would help, evidently it didn't. 

I talked with them about the hardest people to work with, and to love, are the ones that need it the most. And that God often uses people to show them a bit of Him and transform their lives. I went on to say that maybe God was using them in the moment.

I also reminded them of the sign I have in my office. It reads, "You can scream, cry, and yell, but you can't hit the chaplain." Mostly because Padme threw a dodgeball at me. Did I mention that Padme played softball in college? Yep, she was an all-American pitcher so yes, it hurts when she hits you with a dodgeball. and yes, she doesn't miss!

After I left their office, that still soft voice said, "Well done, thank you for reminding people that I need them, as part of my creation, to help show a bit of Me. Also, have you looked for places in your life where you could be more outward facing?" 

I said, "Thank you, I will continue to work on this. Thank you for being part of my life."

That is when God gently and lovingly rebuked me. He said, "I am not part of your life. I am your life."

God touched my heart. He made me cry.

So I am wondering, "Do you have anyone in your life that you can be an instrument of God's love?"

Something to ponder.




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