My Book

My Book

Monday, April 11, 2022

We had "Y" Day last Friday.

 Good morning,

I pray the day find you well.

We had "Y" Day last Friday.

"Y" Day, what's that?

I am so glad you asked! 

"Y" Day is a day where we close down the entire association and bring all the staff together for a day of learning, fellowship, and fun. When I came in there were over 100 people milling around the lobby of the Clark YMCA. Being an introvert the last thing I wanted to do was to interact with 100+ people at 7am. The day did not start out as fun. 

I love people but not crowds.

Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor, our CEO, loves to start these events off with the standard "Y" check-in. 

I am not a fan of YMCA check-ins, especially the ones that have to do with "feelings" or "What are you working on currently?" At one of our association events Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor's check-in was, "Come to the front of the room, state your name, your title, and something you are currently working on for self-development." Most of the people in the room had gone and done their perfunctory duty. I went up and said, "Hi, I'm roger and my title is, "Village Idiot of the North Region" and what I am working on is to not be so self-deprecating! " I thought I was hilarious, Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor was not as amused.

It is good to get together as the whole "Y" family. It can become lonely and easy to forget that we are part of a bigger family. 

When I was a kid, I came into a relationship with Christ at the age of eight. My family was what one would call "spiritual but not religious." They weren't really sure what they believed in and did not go to church. I started going on my own, they didn't seem to mind. Probably because it was good to get me out of the house. By the time i was in high-school I was collecting my friends and taking them to church too.

What denomination was I? I am so glad you asked. I tell people that I was raised either Methoran or Lutherist, depending on your theological bent. I started in a Lutheran church but there was this Reverand Shoemaker in the Methodist church that really connected with me and my friends so we went to the Methodist church in high-school.

One day I was sitting in church listening to the sermon and there were these two adults that had been fighting all summer long. All summer they would tell anybody who would listen how bad the other person was. Then every Sunday they would sit next to each other in church as if they were the best of friends. I finally couldn't take it any longer and I asked Reverand Shoemaker, "How can they do that?" he said, "Church is a hospital for unhealthy people." I didn't like the answer. I thought it was flippant. so I stopped going to church. I said, "It is just you and me God. I am done with "man's" church!" 

When I went off to college it didn't take long for me to start to slip and go down roads that I knew God wouldn't like me to go. I went anyway.

A few years went by.

I didn't know who I was anymore. I didn't like me very much. I wanted to come back, but I was ashamed that I had run out on God. I sat in this shame for a couple of years. Then God just grabbed me and threw me back into church and fellowship.

Why am I telling you all of this? It is because a life with God, though may be a personal relationship, is never meant to be lived alone. we need the church, we need to fellowship with each other. It helps us in times of weakness.

Just as I need to get together with my  "Y" family. I need to get together with my church family too.

While I am not a fan of "check-ins" I know they ae vitally important. Thank you Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor for the check-ins. If as a "Y" family we can't keep each other accountable and see how an action over here affects an outcome over there, then we are just missing the point altogether. We need this in our walk with Christ too. 

Sooo, how are you doing with your walk with God?

Something to ponder.



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