My Book

My Book

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Simply because I like to sing does not mean that I am any good at it

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I am still pondering Heaven, there is lots to ponder about when pondering about Heaven.

One of the other things pastors tend to say about the going-on's of Heaven is that we will spend eternity singing.

On the topic of singing, the only songs we will be singing will be praise music. No Bon Jovi, no Johnny Cash, and for sure no ABBA (thank God). While I do like praise music, it seems sad that some of our favorite songs won't be there. And lets face it a lot of the worship music, when you break it down, is not all that theologically correct. I know, I know, I am told we will sing those old spiritual songs of old.

 Here is another secret about those old hymns you see in the hymnals. Charles Wesley (Yes, Charles was John's brother) was a gifted song writer. And we have, or maybe not we, but I have lived through my share of worship wars where the old guard complain about the new worship music not being spiritual enough. All the while not realizing that their "spiritual" hymns came from tavern songs that Charles repurposed for the church.  

I also must confess, I do like to sing.  Simply because I like to sing does not mean that I am any good at it.  Nor, does it mean that others like to listen to me sing.  I, for one, have heard more than my share of bad singing; usually in the form of special music when someone comes forward in church, a sound track is turned on and all of a sudden it is karaoke morning in church.  I hope that Heaven is more than singing.  Not just for my sake, but for the sake of those standing in earshot of my voice. 

When I talk to people about singing in Heaven and tell them that I can't sing they say, "When you get to Heaven God will give you a wonderful voice."  When they say this I cannot help but think, "It will be like those Allstate commercials were the little girl is talking to her dad and then all of a sudden her voice changes into this beautiful baritone voice and she says "Allstate, you have the Allstate protection plan." Her father just looks at her in wonderment.  I am sure that he is thinking, "Who is this in my daughter and why does my daughter sound like a forty year old man?" 

I really do not know if I will be given a new beautiful voice or not; I really do not think that having a new voice or not is really the point of Heaven in the first place. 

Maybe we will be singing in Heaven, just not all the time. Once again I think both the singing thing and the eating thing are just peoples ideas of what a great time would look like. with those that love food, it will be eating. With those that love singing, it will be songs. 

I still don't know much about Heaven, other than I know I will love and be loved as Christ loves us. 

Not a bad way to spend eternity.

Something to ponder.



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