My Book

My Book

Thursday, May 18, 2023

I "move" a bit more, I have experience with Darryl and that look.

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I woke up this morning, made my coffee, and went to my office (When you are a kid you have a room to play in. When you grow up you have an office to play in. I will have to ponder this one of these days). I sat down at my desk (so far so good) and started my computer, that is when the spiritual warfare started!

Most people just say I am inept when it comes to computers, but Darryl and I know differently. I will have a problem with my computer at work and won't be able to do anything. Darryl will walk by and say, "What's going on Rog?" I am not sure if he ever really called me "Rog" but that is what my fingers typed, so I am sticking with it.

I reply, "I can't get my computer to work."

Darryl says, "Just do this. (Whatever "This" happens to be at the moment).

I retort, "I did!"

Darryl says, "Move." Most people will say, "Move over, a lot of them will even add a "please" in there for good measure. Not Darryl, he has a thing for incomplete sentences. 

Darryl will sit down at my computer, usually with that, "It is a good thing he is a good chaplain," because he can't do anything else, look on his face. and starts messing with my computer.

This is the good part, are you ready? 

Darryl will type stuff on the keyboard, and he will mess with the mouse. He gets that funny Bigfoot look on his face, you know the look; it is that Jack Links Beef Jerky commercial Bigfoot look, just before he throws a guy to the moon. 

I "move" a bit more, I have experience with Darryl and that look. 

Darryl then says, "I have no idea what is going on here, it should work just fine. Everyone else's computer is working fine, this is weird." by the way, this is one of his longer sentences. 

I say, "It is spiritual warfare." I have a habit of getting under the enemy's skin and he throws a hissy fit and does stuff that is supposed to make me mad. 

I have learned that if I just leave everything alone for a bit Satan, or one of his minions, eventually gets bored and finds someone else to play with. 

I also do what my IT son tells me to do. He will say, "Dad turn it off, wait for 30 seconds and turn it back on."

Computers are weird, just say-in.

Soooo...long story longer, I had a hard time getting my computer to work this morning so I could talk to you. And after telling you my saga of the computer, I am kind of tired of talking. 

Do you ever have spiritual warfare with your computer, or for that matter, anything else in your life?

If not, wow you are one of the lucky few, if so, how do you handle it? 

Something to ponder.



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