My Book

My Book

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I have to keep reminding myself that today is where life is.

Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

This wandering in the open is not as easy as it would seem. 

I have to remain intentional. 

I find that if I just let my mind wander it still tends to either lean to the past or try to run ahead into the distant future. If I don't remain conscious of what I am having my mind work on, it can end up working on things that I never intended it to work on in the first place. 

I can ignore all the signs and end up in trouble. 

I know what you are thinking, "How can you possibly ignore multiple signs or even one sign that warns you of multiple mishaps?"

Well, I am glad you asked. I just happen to have a picture for you.

Laurie and I were with friends (obviously, I don't own a Cadillac SUV) and saw this sign. As you can plainly see, we parked, we stopped, and we stood. I guess the only question that came to my mind was, "Just how are they (the maker of the sign) defining 'at any time'?" 

I just about went on a 30,000-word tirade regarding the phrase "at any time" and the relevance of it to what we are talking about, but I didn't, I am awake to my thoughts at the moment, and am not going to go unconsciously into a thought pattern that will get us way off course:)

I am walking in the open and I can see a long way ahead of me if I choose to look. I can see a long way behind me if I choose to look. If I start to sleepwalk and just let my mind run it will either end up running way ahead or running way back into the past. 

There will be no sleepwalking today. I am enjoying the present. I am going to see many people today at my YMCA and I want to be present to all of them. I want to enjoy my time with them. 

The past is gone and tomorrow will take care of itself.

I have to keep reminding myself that today is where life is. 

Are you enjoying today, or are you letting your mind run way ahead, or way behind? 

Something to ponder.

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