Good morning,
I pray the day finds you well.
I have decided to get in my canoe and start down the river. Good news, my traveling companion wants to continue this journey with me, which makes me happy.
Canoes are good modes of transportation, they can feel a bit tippy at first but once you get the hang of it, you find that canoes are a lot more stable than they first feel. This doesn't mean a canoe won't dump you in a river if you aren't careful, or don't treat it with respect. I have disrespected more than one canoe in my life only to find myself floating in the water.
Come to think of it, canoes are a lot like women. You disrespect one at your own peril.
You disrespect a guy and you could get hit in the mouth. You disrespect a woman and you may think you got away with it, only to find when you least expect it, they dump you in a river.
Yep, my canoe is a lot like a woman. I disrespected my canoe once just trying to get into it and right there in front of a group of people it threw me into the river. There was a bit of chuckling going on, not by me, but by the people on the shore, and I think I even heard some from my canoe.
But if you respect your canoe, it will respect you and it will get you where you need to go.
As I was getting my canoe ready for the trip I got to thinking.
Evidently, I am quite popular.
Sunday morning, Laurie and I parked in what was at the time an empty parking lot to go to church. When I came out of church, the parking lot had become quite crowded.
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