My Book

My Book

Monday, June 26, 2023

I am taking a break

 Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

I have been trudging with Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor for a bit now. He isn't saying much but I can tell he is getting ready to. I look behind me and suddenly there are gobs and gobs of people in various stages in the mud behind us. In case you are wondering "gobs and gobs" is a technical term for a lot of people. 

My thought goes immediately to, "How am I going to help all these people?"

The "Y" has been extremely busy, which has created a lot of work for this chaplain. In fact, it has created too much work. I have been doing my best to keep up but I obviously haven't been.

The already short staff and all the changes in the "Y" have people wanting my attention all over the association. 

I finally realized this on Friday night. A bunch of us got together at one of our houses and were all enjoying each other's company when suddenly I hit the wall, I was completely exhausted. I left shortly after I hit the wall. 

Something has to give, and it is writing these breads. I am going to take a break for a bit so I can focus more on my peeps. 

I will talk with you later, after things settle down.



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