My Book

My Book

Monday, June 12, 2023

Most of all I am happy that I am not soaking wet and all alone.

Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Well, it almost happened. I almost got thrown out of the canoe before I even got in it. 

I asked, what I thought was a legitimate question, a question based on respect. I didn't want to assume or attempt to make a decision for anyone, and I got the look. You know that look. The look of, "I can't believe you would even ask me that question. It was quickly followed up with, "Are you asking metaphorically, or are you really asking me if I want to leave?"

The next she said was, "Choose your words carefully, words are important." 

I really get irritated when people use my own catchphrases against me. 

So...there I am one foot in the canoe, one foot on the bank, and my traveling companion holding the canoe steady as I get in. 

The rest of the conversation went like this. 

Roger-"Metaphorically?" hoping that was the right answer. 

TC-"So you're not really asking me if I want you to continue on alone?"

Roger-"No, not really, I was wondering how to write this next section of my life."

TC-"Good answer, Yes, write me in the next section of your life." 

She went on to say, "You know that I am with you all the way." And then wobbled the canoe, just to make the point that I was very close to getting very wet.

As I said, canoes are a lot like women.    

I looked down the river and it is flat water, meaning no rapids (at least not yet) and it bends to the right a ways down head. 

I get into the canoe, sit down, brace the canoe with my paddle and my traveling companion gets in. We push off from shore and start to drift downstream. 

I had almost forgotten how tranquil it is floating down a river in a canoe. 

I am happy. 

I am happy that my traveling companion is still here.

I am happy to be in the canoe.

I am even happy that she got mad that I would even ask if she wanted to continue the journey.

Most of all I am happy that I am not soaking wet and all alone. 

As we floated down the river, I paddled lazily, just enough to keep the bow pointed downstream, my thoughts began to wander, "I wondered what was around the bend and what the next section of river would bring." 

I caught myself. "Don't wander too far ahead" I said to myself, it only borrows trouble. 

Do you ever catch yourself in your thought life? 

I began to ponder something Martin Luther once said, "You can't stop a bird from flying over your head. But, you can keep it from making a nest in your hair."

How is your thought life doing today? Is your thought life running you, or are you running your thought life?

Something to ponder.



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