My Book

My Book

Friday, June 23, 2023

"T" has decided to resign from the YMCA.

Good morning,

I pray the day finds you well.

Trevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvor and I are still trudging through the mud. He has started to open up and start to talk. 

"T" has decided to resign from the YMCA.

Well, actually he has decided to resign from being the COO, he is still the CEO.

People are reacting to this news in a variety of ways, but that isn't what we are talking about right now. 

As we walked through the mud, trudging along, not singing a song, side by side. "T" pondered the following questions:

  • Am I in the right place?
  • Am I in the right space?
After much pondering, which evidently for "T" means much mumbling as well, he has come to the decision that yes, he is in the right place, just not the right space and that space is being the COO. 

While being a COO may sound like fun, especially for a control freak, not saying that "T" isn't a control freak, oh what the hey, "T" is a control freak, get over it. Being a COO doesn't make him happy. It turns him into "that guy," and he doesn't want to be "that guy." So "T" is giving up the COO and focusing on the CEO part of his job, I think this is a good thing. 

I always told him he makes a great CEO. 

But now the questions are out there.

Others in the organization are beginning to ponder this as well. It will be interesting to see how all this shakes out. 

As we trudge through the mud, I begin to ponder what, "that guy" looks like in my world, what "that guy" would look like for me? 

I don't want to be "that guy."

What "guy" don't I want to be?"

You already know I really dislike "mean people." So obviously I don't want to be a mean person, but what does it mean to be a mean person?

I don't like self-centered people. So, obviously, I don't want to be self-centered, but what does it mean to be self-centered?

My list is beginning to grow and as I ponder I am digging deeper, ever deeper (oops, "T" is in my head) into these questions. Sure, it is easy to define something on the surface level, but as I continue to ask the question "What does it mean?" the "I don't want to be" part of this thought pattern gets trickier and trickier. 

Have you ever thought about this stuff?

Something to ponder.


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